Possible to run 2 instances from 1 hyperbian simultaneously ?

  • Hardware:
    Raspberry Pi 3B - (Running Hyperbian).

    Wemos D1 mini

    WS2812b - noname chinese aliexpress



    Android grabber.

    I have 1 TV in my livingroom running hyperion using a wemos d1 mini and android grabber.

    Yesterday I mounted the exact same setup to my bedroom TV.

    In hyperbian I added a new instance called "Bedroom TV"

    Installed Android grabber om my Xiaomi Mi box S

    So I now have 2 instances in 1 Raspberry Pi running Hyperbian:
    -Livingroom TV

    -Bedroom TV

    And then everything starts to get a little bit wierd.
    Bedroom TV kind of working, my Livingroom TV started acting wierd (red lights flashing, yes I sure have capacitor and pulldown resistor)


    Is it possible to run 2 instances simultaneously (watching on 2 TVs simultaneously if you like) from 1 hyperbian installation ?
    Or is it only possible to run one at the time ?

    Stay Relentless

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