APA102 LED Strip Flickering

  • Hello, I am running into an issue where the entire led strip is flickering periodically (every ~1-4 seconds). This even happens when just showing a solid color.


    5V 20A PSU

    RPi 3B

    APA102 LEDs (80x46 LEDs -> 252 total)

    I have connected the PSU to the RPi via a spliced micro USB cable and the PSU to each end of the LED strip. I have connected a ground wire from the LEDs to the ground pin 25 next to the GPIO CLK pin.

    Any guidance is appreciated!

  • solder GND to the pins of raspi,make sure you connect GND in common way to PSU/ledstrip and Raspi pins..

    Solder GPIO10 and GPIO11

    Make sure baudrate is not to high or low in Hyperion.NG my setting is 1400000 baud

    Reset time leds is 6000 ms in hardware (standard a 1000)

    I never had problems with APA102 ledcontroller so I think the problem is mainly PSU, connections and faulty hardware

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