Unable to Configure Multiple Devices

  • Hi All...excellent work with the software. I've been able to successfully set up my apa102 strip with the fushicai grabber on my pi. I'm running into a bit of a stumbling block when trying to integrate my Phillips Hue bulbs as well. I tried searching and couldn't locate a solution. I'm not very proficient with Raspbian or Linux, so I apologize if this is something simple and I'm missing it.

    Anyway, I tried to follow https://hyperion-project.org/w…trolling-Multiple-Devices . I ran into a few problems. It looks like hyperiond is no longer located at /usr/bin/hyperiond and has been moved to /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperiond. Not a big deal as I'm fairly sure that I can simply adjust the paths accordingly in the guide. I created a second hyperion.init.sh file and placed it in /opt/hyperion/init.d.

    When I try to test it, I get the following:

    If I turn off the hue bulbs in the app, and then run that command, it turn them on, so it's at least connecting to the Hue hub correctly

    I figured it has something to do with the second hyperion config and that I could work it out by Googling. So I tried to set the second instance of Hyperion to run on boot using the guide. But I get the following error:

    ln: failed to access ‘/etc/rc2.d/S01hyperion2’: No such file or directory

    At this point, I'm unsure as to how to proceed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for all the hard work!

    Here's the config for my apa102s: http://pastebin.com/ZksMEmTZ
    Here's my WIP config for my Hue bulbs: http://pastebin.com/bBqHJdVz
    Here's the Log generated by Hypercon: [MEDIA=pastebin]6szPktZv[/MEDIA]

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von sdk7_25 ()

  • Greetings,
    currently the usage of more than one hyperion instance is a way too complicated. @redPanther is working on that.

    created a second hyperion.init.sh file and placed it in /opt/hyperion/init.d

    1. service files depends on system type, the location /opt/hyperion/init.d/ is just used to copy the right file to the right place (depending on system). This dir will be removed with the next version to prevent this confusion.
    2. To startup a second configuration you need to create a second service. create a copy of this file: /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service (at the same folder)
    and replace the config path with your bulb config path (eg file name (XY.json)).
    3.Now you need to enable this new service file with the following command

    systemctl -q enable YOURSERVICEFILENAME

    4. Disable the V4L2 at your bulb config, you get this error cause you already use this device with your main config. All grabbed pictures are redirected to your bulb hyperion too.

    Notes: Please take notice that you no longer need the service file with the next Hyperion release. you just need to add all configs in a row to spawn multiple Hyperions.

  • Hello. Thanks for the assistance! I removed the V4L2 on the bulb config, created a duplicate service pointed to the hue bulbs new config, forwarded the json ports from the strip config to the bulb config, and enabled the newly created service. The bulbs now light up, but the latency is incredibly high. It is my guess that the config for the phillips hue bulbs needs to be modified. I'll do some research into that. Thanks again!

  • @redPanther
    OT: now i have a question. Capture interval of v4l2 is?
    This hue article talks about framegrabber. Might be ineteresting

    I don't know the possibilities of v4l2, but the generic USB grabbers grab with 30hz NTSC or 25hz PAL. So a higher capture rate than that would be useless. However with smoothing enabled, a higher output rate can be beneficial.

  • That I don't know. But since the capture seems pretty smooth and only has a fixed delay because of so many processing devices in the signal chain, I guess v4l2 grabs in the same interval as the input signal comes in. The frame decimation parameter however can reduce that frequency, which is why I always set it to 1. Keep in mind that all Info I gathered is from trial and error and I don't have a clue how the code looks like behind it, since I am no programmer.

    Btw, the input lag for philips hue is because the hue hub cant handle many requests at once. So the update frequency for the hue lights need to be reduced. From my testing a frequency of 5Hz works pretty well. However It must be divided by the number of used bulbs. so for 2 Bulbs it is 2,5hz each. To compensate the lag, a high transition time works best, so it becomes a smooth ambient lighting, rather than a hectic delayed distraction.

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