Boots with rainbow but Colorpicker and Ambi don't work

  • Hey, =)

    I have a Raspy 3+B running Raspbian Lite Stretch
    I get the rainbow on the boot sequence, but no ambilight from the grabber. The grabber picture shows up when I go for take grabber screenshot in Hypercon.
    Also the SSH-Colorpicker gives strange results. By dragging along it flickers, most colors show as dark and theres no smooth transition. (see Video)

    Does anybody know whats messed up here?


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  • Log File:

  • Shame on me, its 196

    I've corrected it now everything is white and nothing reacts anymore. It's stuck in a boot loop.

  • Wohoo! Yes got it to work with the colorpicker perfectly by going for the SPI0-Mosi port. But now the Videograbber stops automatically.
    I changed the core_freq=250 but I guess this should not interfere with the grabber.

  • Changing the prio now makes the grabber boot again: But its flickering. Ill try some edits in config.

    ssh in:     Mar 26 13:08:52 raspberrypi hyperiond[1721]: CURRENT BORDER TYPE: unknown=0 hor.size=2 vert.size=0
    ssh in:     Mar 26 13:08:52 raspberrypi hyperiond[1721]: BORDER SWITCH REQUIRED!!
    ssh in:     Mar 26 13:08:52 raspberrypi hyperiond[1721]: CURRENT BORDER TYPE: unknown=0 hor.size=0 vert.size=0
    ssh in:     Mar 26 13:08:53 raspberrypi hyperiond[1721]: V4L2GRABBER INFO: stopped
    ssh in:     Mar 26 13:08:55 raspberrypi hyperiond[1721]: EFFECTENGINE INFO: effect finished
    ssh in:     Mar 26 13:08:56 raspberrypi hyperiond[1721]: V4L2GRABBER INFO: started
  • Turning the internal grabber off fixed the issue.
    Do you know why a solid color differs its color at the LED strip. It's usually more blue in the beginning of the run.

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