RPi3 install problem

  • I use a rpi3 and i try to install and use hyperion but i have no success. I always get this error message; "CPU information does not match". In LibreELE (newest version 009 and i try other versions) it shows the following hardware revision "bcm2835". This value isnt available in the install script of hyperion. If i add this in the script, i can install hyperion but then i have a heating problem (over 90 degress...) and the pi shutting down. With a rpi2 i have no problems, but i also have to add the hardware revision "bcm2835" in the script. Who can help me?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    could you copy your config from

    cat /proc/cpuinfo

  • This is from my rpi3:

    and this from my rpi2:

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