Can't get hyperion to work.

  • Hi, first of all sorry for my English, (second language)

    I cant seem to get Hyperion to work at all.
    I've tried to setups, of which none worked. (seemed to perhaps be the same problem?)
    Hardware: RPi3 m.B + Arduino Uno R3 + WS2812b led strips
    I know that the arduino and strips work. (test programs through arduino worked flawless)

    My plan is to use this with Kodi (being runned from the same RPi3) and for my PS4 (have bought all the parts needed to run it from hdmi sources).

    First setup was:
    OpenElec + FastLED + Hyperion

    Second setup was:
    OSMC + Adalight_Neopixel + Hyperion

    Followed online tutorials on both to the exact point. I have spent the entire weekend trying, troubleshooting etc...

    The problem seems to be launching Hyperion on the RPi.
    At startup a message with something about hyperion failed to launch...
    When googling that message I found a thread with a link to a new thread that wouldnt open (as I understand it had something to do with Hyperion(?) moving to a new website), so the answer that could be there was not available to me.
    (I think it might have something to do with hyperion.config.json being in the wrong folder but i could not move it...)

    Im ready to try a third time, but if some of you have made it work (using the same hardware as me) please post it here.
    This project has cost alot of money (insane prices here in Norway) so I really hope I (/we) can get it to work.
    I just reformatted the micro sd card, so what to do:
    1. Which OS to install ? Try again with OpenElec/OSMC? Another that supports my leds?
    2. Which arduino sketch?
    3. Hyperion (or another kind?) setup.

    I should also mention that I'm not very good at remote programming. (I can do simple things like login to ssh, but thats pretty much it.)
    All help is higly appreciated!

  • Ok, I will create or see if I stored the old ones.

    I know i used the openelec+fastled with the ws281xx, while trying on osmc+neopixel i chose the adalight one.

  • Out of curiosity:
    I thought it was better with an Arduino, in hence of speed and cpu usage? So would it not be better to use it?

  • Did not get the time to test the 3-wire PWM today.

    However I would like to give Openelec and arduino another try. Arduino is now running the fastled (code from the diy ambilight (ws2812b) on this site) and tested the LED with example programs from fastled library. (Changed values to match my setup)

    So to the hyperion config:
    - what type should the leds be when running from arduino? (Adalight, ws281x. ?)
    - i believe the output should be /dev/ttyUSB0
    - first gonna get it to work from kodi (the rpi couldnt recognize the videograbber (although i ordered a utv007, maybe I forgot to do something?) so ill probably order a new one i think)

    Does the arduino sketch baudrate have to match the rpi baudrate setting?

  • So, I tried again today, again with the arduino and with the 3-wire PWM method (driving leds directly from Pi)
    None of them work.
    From what I can see (no idea if right though) it seems to be a problem with the Hyperion set up on the Pi.
    commands like initctl start/stop hyperion and remote-hyperion does not work.
    Fault code:
    -sh: hyperion not found.

    I tried to install it again, but same fault codes.

    Here is the code for the 3-wire PWM setup:

    Code for running with arduino:

    - I have also tried to change the name (MyPi and MyHyperionConfig)
    - I have tried changing the output to /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyACM0

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Which arduino sketch do you use?

    did you try this one?…ino/adalight/adalight.ino

    this sketch uses

    #define serialRate 115200

    so you have to change it in your hyperion config too

    "device" :
    "name" : "MyHyperionConfig",
    "type" : "adalight",
    "output" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "rate" : 460800,
    "delayAfterConnect" : 0,
    "colorOrder" : "rgb"

    "device" :
    "name" : "MyHyperionConfig",
    "type" : "adalight",
    "output" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "rate" : 115200,
    "delayAfterConnect" : 0,
    "colorOrder" : "rgb"

  • Tried now to change to that arduino code, still does not work. I am pretty sure that it is something with the hyperion on rpi (either broken program or wrong directories or something.

    Hyperion doesnt seem to boot up when starting Rpi

  • Hmm, a reinstall of Hyperion and some help on the arduino sketch seemed to have worked :)
    Its lighting up now : D :D :D :D

    Now I just need to color calibrate and get the 15 first and 15 last leds to light up :)

    Thanks alot for the help TPModding.

  • I changed to the arduino sketch you posted (#10). This was not the same as in the diy tutorial, which by the way probably needs to be updated and corrected.

    The reinstall of hyperion i did because i got error codes (hyperion not found (after update)).
    After the reinstall and new arduino code, everything worked.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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