Beiträge von hyperionu3er


    after I get the right hint in this forum I tested my ambilight and have a little problem.

    I used Testpictures from a website to test the correctnes of the LED colors. In the attachments you see that the blue, green an red. colors are perfect. The white color is a little bit blue, but the multi color picture is a totally mess.

    It shows yellow on the top and on the right an left side a white/blue light noch red an clear blue.

    Has you got another hint to correct this problem?

    I testet it but nothing. I dont see the rainbow swirl startup effect.

    icke@glotze:~$ hyperion-remote -c azure
        version   : V1.03.3 (brindosch-2fbbcff/2f01dfa-1495880388
        build time: Jun  3 2017 02:05:39
    Connected to localhost:19444
    Set color to 240 255 255

    I used the arduino sketch from this topic…-ws2801-ws2812b-apa102.8/
    After first plugin of the arduino usb cable I see the LED colors shine.

    It could be that I have the wrong arduino sketch, but the sketch is from this forum only with another LED type. I have different serialrates in arduino sketch 460800 an in the hyperion.config.json 250000, but I dont think that is the problem.


    I have a problem with Hyperion under Linux. I use a yaVDR 0.6.1 based on Ubuntu 14.04. The installation of hyperion was succesfull. The WS2801 LEDS were controlled my an Arduino UNO (with FastLED libary) via /dev/ttyACM0 and the typ Adalight.

    The Log File in HyperCon 1.03.2 show me no information, because Ubuntu 14.04 use upstart not systemd.

    SSH Traffic:
    ssh connected
    ssh out:     sudo journalctl -u hyperion.service 2>/dev/null
    ssh out:     sudo systemctl start hyperion.service 2>/dev/null ; sudo /etc/init.d/hyperion start 2>/dev/null ; sudo /sbin/initctl start hyperion 2>/dev/null
    ssh out:     sudo journalctl -u hyperion.service 2>/dev/null
    ssh out:     sudo journalctl -u hyperion.service 2>/dev/null

    If I manuelly start the deamon everything looks good.

    After I started Kodi the Error with the Kodi Connection is still there. I use Kodi 17.4. I have installed the Hyperion Kodi Addon 1.02 but nothing happend.

    I've heard that I must start the hyperion-x11 programm but that didn't work.

    icke@glotze:~$ sudo /usr/bin/hyperion-x11
        version   : V1.03.3 (brindosch-2fbbcff/2f01dfa-1495880388
        build time: Jun  3 2017 02:06:03
    X11GRABBER ERROR: Unable to open display. DISPLAY environment variable not set

    I don't know what is the problem, is it a connection problem from kodi with the hyperion deamon? or have I choose the wrong parameters in HyperCon with my selfmade LED stripe?

    I hope someone could help me or give me a hint. Thx

    After a long time, I want to give Hyperion on my PC another chance, but I have nearly the same problem. The service is running an is connected to the arduino and the LEDs.

    I use Hyperion 1.03.3

    When I want to start the X11 Grabber I Get the following message, what can I do?

    cke@glotze:~$ export DISPLAY=:0
    icke@glotze:~$ sudo /usr//bin/hyperion-x11
        version   : V1.03.3 (brindosch-2fbbcff/2f01dfa-1495880388
        build time: Jun  3 2017 02:06:03
    X11GRABBER ERROR: Unable to open display :0


    I have a problem with my DIY ambilight system and Kodi 16.1. The hardware is working
    and hyperion said that kodi is connected, but the ambilight doesn't shine.
    Can you please help me?

    I think there is a connection problem with Kodi, but I don't know how to solve it or analyse it.

    I have build a ambilight system with a ws2801 led stripe on an arduino uno.
    The ambilight is connected to my computer via usb.

    On the computer (Arch Linux) I installed hyperion version 1.03.
    The android app hyperion is working and I can controll the color and brightness
    of the led stripe.

    - hyperion log

    - kodi configuration
    - no hyperion plugin
    - webserver is on 8080
    - both buttons on remote control are on

    - arduino sketch and hyperion.config.json attached