Beiträge von Japernator

    well i'm still a beginner in Linux things. But i have also installed deluge on it. That's the main reason. And i like having a Linux running on the raspberry pi.
    But to be honest, i don't know really the difference between kodi en libre/open elec and/or osmc. Are they quite the same? If i can use the same add-ons with another media center system i have no problems trying something else.

    Hey, this totally got somewhere. Now it reacts good to the colorpicker from the hyperion configuration tool, but it doesn't react to any kodi things. Should i maybe configure things in kodi?
    Is it necessary to run kodi in root user? It is now running as user pi. I had some problems with that in the past, i had to give user pi rights for video and audio. I don't know if that is affecting anything. For example, i can't restart or shutdown the raspberry pi through kodi. Kodi can only shutdown kodi itself.

    The logs do look good:

    I tried some different things in the configuration file, but nothing seems to make a difference. The configuration file i use now is this:

    by the way, i also changed the ipAdress to 127.0.01, as sugested in the guide. And i changed the TCP port to 8080, but i'm not shure if that was right. I'm not sure if it uses a TCPport, since it's on the same machine.

    Thanks. Looks like this sovles a few things. :) Somehow there is still not a led on.




    Thanks for all the help & effort

    I set up the raspberry pi 3 B with raspbian and installed kodi on it. I connected the led strip and everything.
    But i had some problems with the software. Eventually i found out there wasn't a hyperion.config.json, i had to copy it manually to the right directory. But now it still won't light a led. The logs gives this: