Beiträge von iiidefconiii

    Hi, im not sure if this is the right location but,,,,
    id wanted to update it to latest version of ng to check if the problem is solved and if i could remove the --clear statement in my scripts.

    But after recompile im getting this error:
    i did sudo service hyperion stop
    and start without avail so i tried manually and getting back this error:

    iiidefconiii@htpc:/etc/hyperion$ hyperiond hyperion.config.json
    [root].grabber-v4l2: no schema definition
    [HYPERIOND MAIN] <ERROR> Hyperion Daemon aborted:
      ERROR: Json validation failed
    [HYPERIOND MAIN] <ERROR> Hyperion aborted:
      Hyperion::getInstance used without call of Hyperion::initInstance before

    i used the exact same options in the compileguide txt file as before on oldler versions.

    i cannot start the leds up, gladly i made a backup an i can revert, but i dont get the point why its not working anymore. Im using the latest version thats on github on date 10/7/2016 2:33 PM GMT+1

    Yep installation on Raspberry, we have a few guides for that and can choose different distro flavors (prefer Raspbian nowadays):

    Talked to @Wolph about a Windows version and it might be possible in the future but main focus now is (redesigned version) so no eta :)
    With Hyperion and this windows client you can get more or less the same as with Ambibox, both capture and media will work this way but games has always been a tricky one :)

    i dicedid to stay at linux with hyperion ng configured now its working great! thank you all for this great program!

    For this you only need a basis Hyperion install with protobuffer port enabled in its config (is by default), then install the latest windows client from here:

    Nowadays has a setup window so you can fill in your Hyperion IP / Hostname etc.. and it should work ootb, only issue when you use > 100% desktop scaling in Windows.

    Thaks for the explanation. So I do need an raspberry with Linux and a working hyperion install right? To bad hyperion doesnt have an windows daemon like ambibox or pristmatik. Altough i coupdnt find it, do you know if In future this might be happening? I found that boblight has an windows daemon. But hyperion is the best. Any way Ayer all I'll proberly stick to linux bases htpc so I don't need to regomfigure kodi and the ambilight driven sodtware

    I moving over from linux to windows, what exactly do i need for hyperion to work? just this setup or still some base hyperion install? and do we still need the hyperion kodi addon? ty

    im not sure if this is an bug or not, but the command sudo systemctl start hyperion never worked until i changed two values in hyperion.service file



    and now it work and starts at boot.

    so i think this is a bug?

    hyperion.service - Hyperion ambient light systemd service
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service; disabled; vendor preset
    Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since za 2016-09-17 02:
    Process: 1918 ExecStart=/usr/bin/hyperiond /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json
    Main PID: 1918 (code=exited, status=217/USER)

    sep 17 02:26:58 htpc systemd[1]: hyperion.service: Unit entered failed state.
    sep 17 02:26:58 htpc systemd[1]: hyperion.service: Failed with result 'exit-code

    \u25cf hyperion.service - Hyperion ambient light systemd service
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service; disabled; vendor preset
    Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since za 2016-09-17 02:
    Process: 1918 ExecStart=/usr/bin/hyperiond /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json
    Main PID: 1918 (code=exited, status=217/USER)

    sep 17 02:26:58 htpc systemd[1]: hyperion.service: Unit entered failed state.
    sep 17 02:26:58 htpc systemd[1]: hyperion.service: Failed with result 'exit-code

    Hi, the wiki says:

    4. add hyperiond as a os-service

    • on initctl: "hyperion.conf" in '/etc/init'
    • on init.d: "hyperion" in '/etc/init.d'
    • on systemd: "hyperion.service" in '/etc/systemd/system'

    5. start the hyperion service

    • on initctl: 'sudo initctl start hyperion'
    • on init.d: 'sudo service hyperion start'
    • on systemd: 'sudo systemctl start hyperion'

    But how do i find out which i need? and where is the file that need to go in the folders?
    Im running ubuntu 16.

    I compiled hyperion-ng version and copied the hyperion-remote and hyperiond to usr/bin
    cat /proc/1/comm
    reports: system d and i believe latest ubuntu switched to systemd, but then again where is the hyperion.service file i need to copy in /etc/systemd/system to get it running as an service?

    I only found a file in the folder but im not sure if this is it.
    If so should i rename it to hyperion.service?


    btw i did a full removal, then compiled again and use the install script, after that i did it automatically created hyperion.conf" in '/etc/init but this is the output, and it also doesn't start @ boot.

    Ciiidefconiii@htpc:~$ sudo systemctl start hyperion
    Failed to start hyperion.service: Unit hyperion.service not found.
    iiidefconiii@htpc:~$ cd /etc/systemd/system

    a manual /usr/bin/hyperiond /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json does work...

    You have no grabber active...

    after the start effect the pi has "nothing to do", you have to configure a grabber for osmc you need the kodi cchecker

    yes that is ok, but the hyperion-remote -c red should work without the grabber right? and it doesnt work for him, is the led grounded ok? and which power adapter are you using.

    Sorry know things better then me xd

    Hi as you have an arduno,

    In my hyperion config for arduino i have
    "output" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "colorOrder" : "grb" = for ws2812b you now have rgb.
    while yours is AMA0, im not sure but double check if AMA0 is correct.

    btw why not get rid of arduino and directly connect to rpi?

    let us know how it went, im not a pro just trying to help

    if all works out note that with arduino, install hyperion kodi app

    you need to add
    from subprocess import os
    os.system("hyperion-remote --sourceAutoSelect")

    to both files, to start up the leds again, so when its in a --sourceOff mode, it also work when pressing a button.

    Hi im not sure if this is an bug but, when i run an effect and then do the --sourceoff. Its ok
    But when im running from an static colour (hyperion-remote -c red) and then run --sourceoff, the leds stay on.

    I mad an workaround script that before i use --sourceoff, im using --clear. Is this normal behoiver and should i keep my workaround, or is this something hardcoded related?

    Maybe its handy to hardcode a --clear statemenat if we run --sourceoff

    i was to greedy and to fast posting, got it working by removing

    for i in range(6):
        if hyperion.abort():
            off = False
        if i % 2:
            hyperion.setColor(alarmColor[0], alarmColor[1], alarmColor[2])
            hyperion.setColor(0, 0, 0)

    out of