Posts by cmvac

    Boas! Qual é o chipset do TV Grabber? E qual é a configuração feita no hyperion.config.json para a captura do tv grabber?

    O meu grabber tem o chipset USBTV007, e sempre funcionou.

    As configurações que tenho para o activar são:

    "grabber-v4l2" :


    "device" : "/dev/video0",

    "input" : 0,

    "standard" : "PAL",

    "width" : 300,

    "height" : 200,

    "frameDecimation" : 2,

    "sizeDecimation" : 8,

    "priority" : 1100,

    "mode" : "2D",

    "cropLeft" : 10,

    "cropRight" : 8,

    "cropTop" : 30,

    "cropBottom" : 10,

    "redSignalThreshold" : 0.2,

    "greenSignalThreshold" : 0.1,

    "blueSignalThreshold" : 0.1

    Se nenhuma destas configurações derem, tenta mudar a prioridade.


    é verdade, somos poucos por aqui. Eu também tenho andado muito ocupado para dar a atenção devida a isto. Mas estou cá para o que for necessário. ;)

    Hi @gamer06 I was away at work for a month and just got back home. I haven't had much time to dedicate to those addons and don't have a OSMC system. If you could share your solution, I would be more than happy to integrate it and give you proper credit for it.

    I am actually searching for someone who would help me with these addons. My plan for them was to fuse them into one, with several categories and if possible, effects as well. Since this is also a Kodi centered ambilight system, it is something I always thought was missing here. It should be rather easy to do, it just that my knowledge and time is a bit limited sometimes.

    OK, I think you are listening on the wrong port. if you used the same ports as i did, you have to use port 20450 in the

    Ok, so I changed the port to 20450, but still nothing.

    Let me give you what I wrote in the file and in all the others: [MEDIA=pastebin]f8A0tcCy[/MEDIA]

    yeelight1.config.json: [MEDIA=pastebin]rDb0ADj1[/MEDIA]
    yeelight1.config.json: [MEDIA=pastebin]j621apzz[/MEDIA]

    main hyperion.config.json has the following added, as instructed:

    "forwarder" :
    "json" : [ "", "" ],
    "proto" : [ "", "" ]

    "endOfJson" : "endOfJson"

    Again, there must be something escaping me. What am I doing wrong?

    I have updated the add-ons and made a set of three new add-ons. They are made to work either in LibreELEC/OpenELEC or in Raspbian-based systems. They are all available on the same repo above, versions 1.2 for Libre/OpenELEC versions, and 1.2.1 for others.

    I am also open for any help in turning these six addons into one, as well as adding effects and color pick. I think it is one of the things the end user would really appreciate.

    As the Yeelights use WLAN, the lag is larger than driving an ambilight by wire over the gpio pins of a RPi. For me the lag is far from huge, but its slightly noticeable. Of course the lag depends on your network conditions and the hyperion config (smoothing etc) you use.

    Can't help with the LibreELEC issue. I use Raspbian (with Kodi) because i need a full-featured OS.

    So, I gave up on LibreELEC, and installed this with Pipplware ( It all went fine until I got to the "python" part. I get the following error:

    pi@pipplware:~ $ python
    ('waiting on port:', 19450)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 40, in <module>
    File "<decorator-gen-7>", line 2, in turn_on
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yeelight/", line 53, in _command
    result = self.send_command(method, params).get("result", [])
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yeelight/", line 277, in send_command
    raise_from(BulbException('A socket error occurred when sending the command.'), ex)
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/future/utils/", line 4
    54, in raise_from
    raise e
    yeelight.main.BulbException: A socket error occurred when sending the command.

    The UDP port is 20450, as you advised. What am I getting wrong?

    Will add that there is a python-based library too:

    I've made a shitty udp-server implementation here:…-udp-server-solution.529/

    I don't see a way to get brightness values from the udp-sender to set on the lamp yet though.

    Navigonic, there is a Kodi addon for the Yeelights (…97&pid=2687134#pid2687134), maybe something could be retrieved from that and implemented with Hyperion. This is just a crazy idea, but maybe it would make sense.

    I would gladly offer myself as a test subject, since I have two of these lamps and am already trying to make it work as a flawless ambilight system. The addon has a ambilight option, but it is still laggy and a bit buggy. It does work with Hyperion, with the Windows capture program. I am dying for this to happen :crying:;).

    I've been fidling with the YeeMee addon for Kodi (…97&pid=2687134#pid2687134) but it has (at least for me) a huge lag. Is there any lag with Hyperion and the Yeelights? I need to know this before I scratch my LibreELEC instalation and install Raspbian.

    Also, would there be any wiz who could port this to LibreELEC, for all of us who use that OS? I really don't use or need Raspbian. It would really be amazing to have these cool and cheap lights working with all Hyperion compatible systems.

    Houston, we have a problem: pip is not available in LibreELEC, I forgot that this OS is stripped of almost all Linux shell commands. I am not a newbie, but I never really had to fiddle with that before. Does anybody know any alternative way to get this to work with LibreELEC? Or do I need to scrap my LibreELEC system and start fresh with OSMC or Raspbian?

    Hi, I just got my two Yeelights, it took some time to get here from China ;). I am using LibreELEC with Hyperion. I know where the config file is - in the .config folder - but I am having trouble in finding the hyperion.service file. It is in a different folder then OSMC and Raspbian. Does anyone know where that file is in LibreELEC?

    Hi guys, I am trying to set up two Xiaomi Yeelights with my LibreELEC Hyperion system. I got to this post through this one:…-udp-server-solution.529/

    I need to do this in LibreELEC but I am not finding this hyperion.service file on my Hyperion folder (storage\hyperion\bin). Am I searching on the wrong place? I already searched in /etc/systemd/ but there's nothing there. Does anybody know where this file or it's equivalent for LibreELEC is?

    Hi guys, are these smartbulbs working with Hyperion with the latest script? I am planning to buy some but want to be sure they work. And can we connect several, or is it limited in number? I have a Pi 3 and Hyperion, but I want, I have - i must ;):omg: - expand my hyperion setup to the rest of the living room.

    Also, I need to know how to run this script on the Pi. I know, noob question, but there are a lot of people with access to this forum who are not as versed in Python.

    In short: Do they work, can we use more than one and could we have a noob tutorial to run the script on our Pis?

    I've made three addons for controlling Hyperion through Kodi. They are called: Hyperion On, Hyperion Off and Hyperion Toggle. The names are self-explainatory.;)

    The Toggle version changes the Ambilight source from Kodi into HDMI/AV and back again. For that, you will need two different configuration files.

    One needs to be named "hyperion.config.json" and the other, "hyperion.config1.json". On the first one, leave the grabber on:
    "grabber-v4l2" :
    "device" : "/dev/video0",
    "input" : 0,
    "standard" : "PAL",
    "width" : 300,
    "height" : 200,
    "frameDecimation" : 2,
    "sizeDecimation" : 8,
    "priority" : 1100,
    "mode" : "2D",
    "cropLeft" : 10,
    "cropRight" : 8,
    "cropTop" : 30,
    "cropBottom" : 10,
    "redSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
    "greenSignalThreshold" : 0.1,
    "blueSignalThreshold" : 0.1

    The second one, leave it off:

    /// "grabber-v4l2" :
    /// {
    /// "device" : "/dev/video0",
    /// "input" : 0,
    /// "standard" : "PAL",
    /// "width" : 300,
    /// "height" : 200,
    /// "frameDecimation" : 2,
    /// "sizeDecimation" : 8,
    /// "priority" : 1100,
    /// "mode" : "2D",
    /// "cropLeft" : 10,
    /// "cropRight" : 8,
    /// "cropTop" : 30,
    /// "cropBottom" : 10,
    /// "redSignalThreshold" : 0.2,
    /// "greenSignalThreshold" : 0.1,
    /// "blueSignalThreshold" : 0.1
    /// },

    I've done them as Video addons, and not Program addons, because many users tend to hide or not even go to Program Addons.

    The code is very simple, and I would be very happy to have some help coding them into one single addon, since I don't have much time and my Python knowledge is still at a beginner's level.

    I've been using them for a while now and so far no complaints, so I decided to share with the Hyperion community. Be gentle! XD

    They are available on my repo, under video addons:…

    Olá Erbas!

    Bem vindo à parte portuguesa do projecto Hyperion, antes de mais, e parabéns por ser o primeiro a postar algo aqui na secção portuguesa. Vou tentar ajudar na medida do possível.

    Eu tenho um sistema Ambilight a funcionar com o meu Raspberry Pi há quase 3 anos. Começou com o RasPi 1 B e já vai no RasPi 3, o que responde logo à primeira dúvida. O Raspberry Pi3 é um sistema mais do que capaz para lidar com o media center, e muito estável com sistemas como o LibreELEC ou o OSMC. O servidor Hyperion quase não aumenta o processamento de CPU, portanto pode estar descansado.

    Quanto aos pormenores mais técnicos, há várias formas de fazer isto. Quanto à fita de LEDs, pensa o seguinte: cada led é como um pixel. Quanto mais pixeis-LEDs, mais resolução terá a imagem "espelhada" na parede. A alimentação desses LEDs é feita à parte do Raspberry Pi, e não passa por este, logo pode ser de 12 ou de 5v. O que é necessário é que seja compatível com o Raspi e com o Hyperion.

    Para saber isso, o melhor é dar uma vista de olhos aqui:…mbilight-no-soldering.77/

    É o tutorial oficial da Hyperion.

    aqui aconselham a seguinte fita de LEDs: (APA102 30leds/m RGB 5m) (WS2801 RGB DC 5V 5m)

    • Se não conseguir encontrar uma fita APA102, pode também usar LEDs de tipo WS2801, mas terá de calibrar as cores!
    • Atenção, não compre uma fita de uma única cor! (LOL) Têm de ser LEDs RGB.
    • Se usar mais de 32 LEDs por metro, irá ter problema de energia e a fita terá mais de 10 mm de largura, o que não é compatível com os nossos conectores)
    • Para uma televisão de 50" irá precisar de cerca de 3 metros de fita de LEDs
    • Atenção: esta solução está limitada a um máximo de 100 LEDs, porque os conectores não são capazes de lidar com a corrente necessária!

      • Link: USA: This link from Amazon is forbidden UK: This link from Amazon is forbidden DE: This link from Amazon is forbidden ES: IT: FR:

    7. Fonte de alimentação para os LEDs (5V 10A)

    • Neste tutorial é usado uma fonte de 5v 10A com uma ficha macho de 5,5/2,1mm.
    • Não use uma amperagem mais baixa que 10A.

      • Link: USA: This link from Amazon is forbidden UK: This link from Amazon is forbidden DE:This link from Amazon is forbidden ES: IT: FR:

    8. Conectores

    • Para ligar todos os fios uns com os outros - ALTERNATIVA A SOLDAR
      Link: USA: This link from Amazon is forbidden UK: This link from Amazon is forbidden ES: IT: FR:

    9. Conectores: alimentação dos LEDs (ficha femea 5,5x2,1mm)

    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)]
    Link: USA: [/COLOR]
    This link from Amazon is forbidden[COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)] UK: [/COLOR]This link from Amazon is[COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)] DE:[/COLOR]This link from Amazon is forbiddenThis link from Amazon is forbidden[COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)] ES: IT: FR:[/COLOR]This link from Amazon is forbiddenThis link from Amazon is forbiddenThis link from Amazon is forbiddenThis link from Amazon is forbiddenThis link from Amazon is forbiddenThis link from Amazon is forbidden

    • O conector JST de 4 pinos cria uma ligação com a fita de leds sem grande dificuldade.
      Comprimento: cerca de 10cm / 15cm
    • Verifique a ficha, existe a versão macho e femea desta ficha
      Link: USA: This link from Amazon is forbidden UK: This link from Amazon is forbidden, DE: This link from Amazon is forbidden ES: IT: FR:

    11. Conector: push pins -> Raspberry PI GPIO (cabo femea de Jumper )

    • Os cabos para os Jumpers GPIO FEMEA ligam o Raspberry Pi aos LEDs
    • Pode comprar femea-macho ou macho-femea
      Só vamos precisar de 3 destes cabos! A cor é indiferente
      Link: USA: This link from Amazon is forbidden UK: This link from Amazon is forbidden DE:This link from Amazon is forbidden ES: IT: FR:

    12. Conector: Fita LED -> Fita LED

    • Estes conectores ligam cada uma das fitas. É uma ficha pronta a usar com 4 fios e adequada a uma fita com 10mm de largura. Comprimento: 10cm ou 15cm.
    • Vai precisar de 5 destas fichas

      • Link: USA: UK: This link from Amazon is forbidden DE:This link from Amazon is forbidden ES: IT: FR:

    13. Fio: um único fio de 1,0mm² (17 AWG)

    • Um fio para ligar a fonte alimentação dos LEDs à fita. Não será necessário muito mais do que 30 cm.

      • Link: USA: UK: ES: IT: FR:

    14. Velcro autocolante

    • Para montar o Pi na parte de trás da TV e todas as ligações ao Pi
    • Com pelo menos 15cm e autocolante.
      NOTA: Eu fiz uma armação de plástico e aluminio que fixa nos parafusos de apoio da TV, porque o velcro autocolante acabou por se descolar.
      • Link: USA: This link from Amazon is forbidden UK: This link from Amazon is forbidden, DE:This link from Amazon is forbidden ES: IT: FR:

    Quanto a lojas com tudo pronto a montar, eu pessoalmente aconselho a Lightberry (

    Vendem o Kit completo e pronto a montar na TV, sem ter de se preocupar com solda, fonte de alimentação, etc. A desvantagem é que fica mais caro comprar o Kit, mas se não quiser ter trabalho, é o caminho a seguir. Conheço quem tenha comprado este kit e esteja muito satisfeito!

    Depois de tudo montado, há ainda a opção de ligar uma fonte externa ao Ambilight, nomeadamente de HDMI, Scart ou coaxial. Mas isso é para depois do sistema estar montado. Eu tenho a TV analógica e a Xbox ligado ao Ambilight! ;)

    O "como" está ainda no link que coloquei acima, mas se tiver dificuldades com o inglês, diga-me que eu ajudo!

    Um abraço!