Power supply

  • I power my rpi3 and led strip with 1 power supply. But the thing is: I get the yellow electrical logo on the top of the display.

    I am using an 15A power supply. Does somebody know what this could be?

    I am using 118 leds. So the 15a should be enough if I calculate.

  • Hey,

    my guess would be, that your wires to the RPi3 are too thin and you get too much voltage drop. The same could be true for a bad connection. This happens very often when working with cheap breadboards for cobbling together a proof of concept setup.

    The other reason might be that the power supply is set to less voltage than needed. Most power supplies have a screwy-thing to set the voltage in a specific range.

    Can you provide a photo of your wiring, check the connections and provide an image of the power supply used?

    Kind regards.

  • Hi,

    when I power the rpi3 with micro usb power supply and the leds with power supply 15a then the logo is gone. I also check with an multi meter and saw the power supply was around 5.3 I guess.

    so the voltage is not enough to power the pi as the leds I think.

    i mean everybody using the same jumper cables.

  • Hey,

    5.3 V should be more than enugh for the Pi because it won't drop when the little amperage it needs is put on the big power supply. When powering using USB works fine I'd double check the connection between the PSU and the Pi again. Jumper wires sounds quite thin. ;) And even if it isn't the wires it might be the a loose or dirty connection.

    Kind regards.

  • Well I used another power supply with 5v 10a and with this one there is no logo. The logo appears only when I turn on the leds.

    so this means that the power supply of 15a is not all good. Then it should be also not the jumper cables.

    and with the 15a the led is sometimes flickering. If that also will happen with the 10a then you are right. It could be the jumper wire or bad connextion somewere.

  • Then your 15A unit might be a faulty device. The voltage should in no way drop below 4.75 V. This is the threshold where the warning appears, afaik.

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