IT WORKS! (mostly) ... couple of questions ...

  • Thanks to a bit of trial and error, some unnecessary purchases, and a bunch of people who are way smarter than I am, I have a working setup. It's really great and was well worth the effort. I have just two questions that are somewhat related.

    I noticed in the software that there's a section in the Image Processing page that talks about profiles. I can add profiles but can't figure out how to dynamically switch between them. Anyone know how this is done?

    Also, when viewing HDR content the captured video is way off in color. I'm trying to fix that issue with a different profile. I figured out that by adjusting the gamma settings I was able to get pretty close to accurate LED colors. I just need to know how to switch the profiles.

  • hi,

    Can not help You with first question, but about the HDR as far as i know RP is not compatible with hdr content.
    But, I can be wrong so dont take it as fact!

  • Thanks to a bit of trial and error, some unnecessary purchases, and a bunch of people who are way smarter than I am, I have a working setup. It's really great and was well worth the effort. I have just two questions that are somewhat related.

    I noticed in the software that there's a section in the Image Processing page that talks about profiles. I can add profiles but can't figure out how to dynamically switch between them. Anyone know how this is done?

    Also, when viewing HDR content the captured video is way off in color. I'm trying to fix that issue with a different profile. I figured out that by adjusting the gamma settings I was able to get pretty close to accurate LED colors. I just need to know how to switch the profiles.


    On the webbrowser (port 8090) on Hyperion.NG

    go to General > LED Hardware Instance Management in the menu tree and > make a new profile. Run the new profile and then switch to this profile by following the explanation text:
    "Use multiple LED hardware setups at the same time. Each instance runs independently which allows you to set different LED layouts and calibration settings. Running instances can be selected from the icon in the top menu bar"

    go to the top right in the bar and press the two arrows and you can select the new profile that you are running, now you can explore diffrent settings and types of LEDs without destroying your original settings.

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