"Unknown platform capture type: /dev/fb" after config import

  • Hi,

    my sd card died a few weeks ago and I just installed a fresh installation of HyperBian on a new one, bootet and imported my old config.

    After that Hyperion no longer starts and display this error in the logs:

    Nov 05 10:08:49 HyperBian hyperiond[671]: Config Fix: [root].instCapture.systemGrabberDevice: Create property: systemGrabberDevice with value: NONE
    Nov 05 10:08:49 HyperBian hyperiond[671]: Config Fix: [root].instCapture.v4lGrabberDevice: Create property: v4lGrabberDevice with value: NONE
    Nov 05 10:08:49 HyperBian hyperiond[671]: Config Fix: [root].ledConfig.classic: Create property: classic with value:
    Nov 05 10:08:49 HyperBian hyperiond[671]: Config Fix: [root].ledConfig.matrix: Create property: matrix with value:
    Nov 05 10:08:49 HyperBian hyperiond[671]: Config Fix: [root].leds: Create property: leds with value:
    Nov 05 10:08:50 HyperBian hyperiond[671]: 2021-11-05T10:08:50.005 hyperiond DAEMON       : <ERROR> Unknown platform capture type: /dev/fb0
    Nov 05 10:08:50 HyperBian hyperiond[671]: Unknown platform capture type: /dev/fb0

    My capture device worked fine for years now, I'm unsure what to do.

    Greets, pattyland

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pattyland ()

  • bootet and imported my old config.

    don't use old config into new builds ( found that out the hard way) > just save your settings of the old Hyperion.NG into Json file

    because the builds are diffrent you can't use old config and import it.

    What you can do: open your old config Json file: then open Hyperion WebUI localIP:8090

    copy the settings from your Json file into the WebUI, this takes a little investigation but its not that hard.

    then you don't have problems because you start with a fresh Hyperion

    also: make before you alter settings a backup from the basic WebUI into dashboard.

    if something goes wrong in Hyperion you always can go back to basic.

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