Hyperion Android Grabber not connecting

  • Hi,

    I'm new to this but managed to get my backlighting working on my TV for the 1st time last night.

    Really love the effects.

    My question is.

    I have installed hyperion on my PC as I'm not willing to pay the scalpers price for a raspberry pi.

    This all works fine for what is on the PC but, I want to also use it with my nvidia shield.

    I have installed the Hyperion Android Grabber downloaded from the playstore and them run automatic scan which doesn't find my server (pc)

    I have then tried adding my pc's ip address and the port for the protobuf which again, didn't work.

    Do I need to make an exception for Windows defender and / or does it matter that my pc is connected to lan but my nvidia shield isn't?


  • Do I need to make an exception for Windows defender and / or does it matter that my pc is connected to lan but my nvidia shield isn't?

    Of course that matters.

    Hyperion Android Grabber works on the LAN.

    LAN has to be the same on PC/Raspi and Shield.

    protocol PROTObuffer is sended by the android grabber, hyperion receives this signal and transforms it into ledcontroller

    so you have to connect ALSO your Nvidia shield to the LAN or WIFI which also your PC is on.

    You don't need portforwarding, open ports or adjust PC firewall rules ( to my knowledge)

    I had this running on Raspi without problems. PROTObuffer port default

    one thing though.

    Hyperion android grabber doesn't work (build up a stream to Hyperion) when...

    Using the following apps,



    Amazon video

    So now you know why most people go for a hardware grabber , and that works also in Windows Hyperion version !

    Also tried that out.

    goodluck with your endeavour

    Edited 3 times, last by Ambientheater77: Merged a post created by Lightning-guy77 into this post. ().

  • Sorry, I think described my setup wrong. Both devices are connected to the same network, the only difference is the PC is wired and the nvidia shield is using WiFi. Both are connected to the same router.

    Unless you mean they both need to be either wired or wireless?

  • I've just bitten the bullet and ordered myself a raspberry pi 4 b+ kit.

    Thankfully I found one in stock from one of the official sellers. Wasn't cheap mind but at least it will have warranty etc.

    Slightly off topic but, I'm guessing now I would need a hdmi splitter and a usb hdmi capture card?

    Any recommendations for both?

  • I use the Rullz coffee black 2.0 USB loop device

    And the Xolorspace 61121 4K splitter


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