after fixing the hardware revision problem by using an older raspberry pi 3b+ revision, I'm now facing the problem, that all LED's start but turn white instantly. They don't change colour and even when I use the remote in the hyperion webui to use a one colour effect the led change no colour.
This is my current log:
2023-12-30T12:26:32.046Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Device ws281x is ON
2023-12-30T12:26:32.047Z [LEDDEVICE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) LedDevice 'ws281x' enabled
2023-12-30T12:26:32.336Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial foreground effect 'Flags Germany/Sweden' started
2023-12-30T12:26:32.338Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254
2023-12-30T12:26:32.339Z [HYPERION|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Initial background effect 'Warm mood blobs' started
2023-12-30T12:26:32.458Z [HYPERION-INSTMGR] (INFO) Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been started
2023-12-30T12:26:32.384Z [PROTOSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19445
2023-12-30T12:26:32.385Z [FLATBUFSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19400
2023-12-30T12:26:32.460Z [JSONSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19444
2023-12-30T12:26:32.608Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion http-Webserver' started on port 8090
2023-12-30T12:26:32.780Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Effect [Warm mood blobs] finished
2023-12-30T12:26:32.811Z [WEBSERVER] (INFO) 'Hyperion https-Webserver' started on port 8092
2023-12-30T12:28:25.481Z [EFFECTENGINE|First LED Hardware instance] (INFO) Effect [Flags Germany/Sweden] finished
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I'm out of my mind trying to get this thing running...
All advice is helpful!