Using 1 LED strip and 1 rpi with 2 video outputs (hdmi capture card AND android grabber app)?

  • Hello! I'm very new to this and not a programmer (at least in this type of stuff), so please excuse me if I'm misunderstanding something huge. ;(

    I have a rpi3b+ and 1 strip of WS2812B around my TV. My TV is Tizen, so there's no Hyperion app to grab anything put on the screen. I use a firestick 4k (no copyright content/DRM issues ;)) and a nintendo switch. Am I able to use the android grabber app on the firestick AND my hdmi grabber for the switch with hyperHDR with the 1 set of LEDs on 1 rpi? (I could not get my LEDs to work with hyperion, only hyperhdr, something related to running root. I tried so many different ways and hyperhdr was the only one that worked.) I'm hoping I could do this rather than having to manually switch hdmi and lose cec/better output because of the capture card I got.

    So far I can get the LEDs to work perfectly with the switch using the hdmi capture card and hyperHDR on the rpi. I turned the android grabber app on on the firestick and it did find hyperhdr, but the second I try to make a new instance on hyperhdr for the firestick, the LEDs start flickering and never do the rainbow effect for the app. I'm assuming they're competing and not meant to be used like this? Would the forwarding option in network services be a way of doing what I'm hoping to do? or should I just bite the bullet and get a new card/another way to run the LEDs

    Thanks in advance for any help and feel free to tell me if im not understanding something!

    The equipment I got:

    • Official Post

    No support for HyperHDR!

    Hyperion WS2812B

    sudo updateHyperionUser -u root

    Instances are used for different LED strips, not for grabbers.

    Grabbers are selected via Priority.

    regards pclin

    Dreambox ONE / TWO

    dreamOS OE2.6

    Amlogic S922X - 53.000 DMIPS - 2 GB RAM - 16 GB Flash - Twin-DVB-S2X Tuner - HDR10 - HLG
    AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD - Amp: Pentagon - Lautsprecher ELAC / ARENDAL
    LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap, hyperion.NG webOS)

    FireTV 4K max

    hyperion (classic) & Plugin HyperionControl | hyperion-ng 2.0.16-beta.1 (dreamOS)
    Hyperion-ng (Debian bullseye)
    6 x ESP32/Wemos D1 mini - WLED - SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LEDs/m
    FeinTech VSP01201 - Grabber Macrosilicon

    LG TV Hyperion webOS & PicCap

    Ambilight for ever

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