hyperion on windows (linux subsystem)

  • hi
    i wanted to use hyperion service on windows linux subsystem.

    i run windows insider preview 17063.

    if i run ubuntu as administrator and type
    curl -k -L --output install_hyperion.sh --get https://raw.githubusercontent.…r/bin/install_hyperion.sh
    it downloads a 20519 big file.

    when typing
    chmod +x install_hyperion.sh
    nothing happes it jumps back to normal input in bash

    when typing
    sudo sh ./install_hyperion.sh

    it takes a while and i get this
    [sudo] password for drc:
    This script will install/update Hyperion Ambient Light
    Created by brindosch - hyperion-project.org - the official Hyperion source.
    ---> Stop Hyperion, if necessary
    ---> Install/Update Hyperion dependencies (This may take a while)
    ---> Downloading the appropriate Hyperion release
    2018-01-13 16:33:13 URL:https://kent.dl.sourceforge.ne…se/hyperion_x86x64.tar.gz [2276963/2276963] -> "-" [1]
    ---> Installing initctl script
    initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
    ---> Starting Hyperion
    initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
    Hyperion Installation/Update finished!
    Please download the latest HyperCon version to benefit from new features!
    To create a config, follow the HyperCon Guide at our Wiki (EN/DE)!
    Wiki: wiki.hyperion-project.org Webpage: www.hyperion-project.org

    if i use
    sudo service hyperion start
    i get a ok but im not sure if it is running or whats going on .

    can anybody help me to get hyperion working on windows? i would also pay money LOL
    i read a few times someone was able to do it but i cant since im total linux newbie...
    i found an interessting aricle online wich says linux sub can show the services in the taskmanager and run in background.

    also is it possible to use the usb grabber for hyperion on windows linux subsystem too?
    i have read that usb isnt supported by windows linux sub?
    would be cool if anybody could give me a few informations because im not getting any further.
    sorry for the stupid questions.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von drc85 ()

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