Hyperion doesn't start automatically

  • I installed hyperion on raspbian lite on my Pi Zero W. The installation and configuration was succesfull, however, hyperion doesn’t start automatically when I start my Pi. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Thanks!

  • That indeed solved my problem. I posted this solution in another thread a while ago. I saw your reaction to that post. Im happy that it solved your problem too!

  • Is there any hope of getting this to run under Stretch? The reason I ask is that I am stuck. I want my RaspBerry Pi to be powered by POE. The new POE hat will only work with a Pi 3 B+ and a Pi 3 B+ requires Stretch.

  • I just read someone who made it work, as long as you dont run sudo apt-get update after installing raspbian stretch. Hope it works!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Ryan ()

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