Bootloop works, screenshotting works, but no general ambi..

  • Hi guys, I need some help troubleshooting my setup. Made a post earlier, and found out my hdmi-s-video converter was faulty. This has been replaced now.

    My gear is a rp2 + arduino nano (adafruit code) + WS2812. System has been working fine before, but after a couple of months being idle (and now updating osmc and hyperion), I can't get my ambi working properly again.

    As title says, starting hyperion with rainbow boot-animation works great (so I guess nothing is wrong with the arduino, haven't touched the setup there), screenshotting from ssh works great (so I guess the video signal to the PI works great). Screensshotting from Hypercon makes Hypercon freeze. Unplugging the grabber makes it OK again.
    Setting colors manually from HyperCon also works great.

    So I'm a bit baffled to what can have gone wrong.

    After updating to the new Hypercon and sending the config-files from there - I notice the hyperion.config.json now lies in etc/hyperion. Before, I remember dragging the config just to etc/ - and it got linked to somwhere else (file had this arrow icon in the bottom corner).

    Could this be a part of the problem?

    Thanks for all your help!

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von bobenoni ()

  • Sure!

    osmc@RogerPC:~$ hyperiond /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json
    Hyperion Ambilight Deamon (2202)
    Version : V1.03.2 (brindosch-99d9396/d3713a8-1469452981
    Build Time: Jul 25 2016 06:54:40
    INFO: Selected configuration file: /etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json
    HYPERION INFO: ColorTransform 'default' => [0; 81]
    HYPERION INFO: ColorCorrection 'default' => [0; 81]
    HYPERION INFO: ColorAdjustment 'default' => [0; 81]
    LEDDEVICE INFO: configuration:
    "colorOrder" : "rgb",
    "delayAfterConnect" : 0,
    "name" : "myPi",
    "output" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "rate" : 115200,
    "type" : "adalight"

    Opening UART: /dev/ttyUSB0
    INFO: Creating linear smoothing
    HYPERION (CS) INFO: Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=50;settlingTime_ms=200;updateDelay=0
    EFFECTENGINE INFO: 27 effects loaded from directory /usr/share/hyperion/effects
    EFFECTENGINE INFO: Initializing Python interpreter
    INFO: Hyperion started and initialised
    INFO: Boot sequence 'Rainbow swirl fast' EFFECTENGINE INFO: run effect Rainbow swirl fast on channel 0
    BLACKBORDER INFO: threshold set to 0.01 (3)
    BLACKBORDER INFO: mode:default
    INFO: Json server created and started on port 19444
    INFO: Proto server created and started on port 19445
    V4L2GRABBER INFO: width=720 height=576
    V4L2GRABBER INFO: pixel format=YUYV
    BLACKBORDER INFO: threshold set to 0.01 (3)
    BLACKBORDER INFO: mode:default
    V4L2GRABBER INFO: signal threshold set to: {25,25,25}
    V4L2GRABBER INFO: started
    INFO: V4L2 grabber created and started
    V4L2GRABBER INFO: stopped
    EFFECTENGINE INFO: effect finished
    V4L2GRABBER INFO: started

  • Also, don't know if this helps:

    -Screenshotting via HyperCon now makes hypercon unresponsive (take grabber screenshot). Didn't behave like this back in the days. Fix is to unplug grabber and replug. Have three 007 grabbers, and they all behave like this.

    -Screenshotting via ssh (hyperion-v4l2 --screenshot) still works great.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    screenshot with hypercon works only if hyperion doesnt run on the pi. the log looks good,everything is fine. did you plugged the grabber directly to the pi? may it is a power supply problem?

  • Yes, its directly plugged in. Pi also powers wifi and arduino (but leds themself have own power). I'll try removing wifi, and if that won't work - buy a usb hub with power supply. But its strange since it worked flawlessly before.

    Thanks for all help so far!

  • Found the error! Cable length between converter and grabber was too long (I think).

    When I changed my faulty hdmi converter, I also switched to the new rca cable (2m) that was included. Didn't imagine this could be the error since I got a valid screenshot, and picture also showed nicely when connected signal directly to TV.

    But switching back to a 1m cable worked like a charm.

  • I'm having a similar issue. Can take a screenshot through ssh just fine. Through HyperCon, it freezes the program. Have tried powered usb help. Will try a shorter cable when I get home.

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