Hyperion won't control LEDs, spits out FRAMEBUFFERGRABBER ERROR in log

  • Hello!

    I have a one newly installed Debian stretch PC, one arduino uno and a strip of 142(used to be 144, I burned two..) ws2812b LEDs.

    I am trying to get the strip to reflect the content on my screen before I start cutting it up and mounting it to the back of my screen but so far it's not working. I have tried many different sources of code for the arduino but none seems to make a difference.

    When I plug the arduino in to the PC with the LEDs connected and then restart hyperion I can see the boot animation on the LED strip so I know they have contact. I've tried different baud rates as well. The strip does not reflect the content I have on my screen under any circumstances, it just stays blank. My log is riddled with this line:


    FRAMEBUFFERGRABBER ERROR: Unknown pixel format: 1685301248 bits per pixel

    If I change the grabber interval the bits changes. Before I changed the interval it said 200 bits, and 400 bits for example. This error message is spammed out in to my log.

    I'm thinking this is a hyperion software error as I've tried many different code bases with the arduino and it always shows the boot animation as long as I match the baud on the PC. It seems to be a problem with the grabber.
    Running the following command does produce color on the LED strip:

    hyperion-remote --priority 50 --color red --duration 5000

    Anybody have any idea what could be wrong?

    The current arduino code:

    Current hyperion conf:

  • My novice eyes see a small error.

    In the arduino sketch you have "#define SERIALRATE 500000" And in the hyperion .config you have "rate : 115200", those should match. (500000 works for me).

    Also I noticed you said you have 142 led's on the strip. However, In the sketch you defined the led count as 156 "#define NUM_LEDS 156". That should be the actual number of led's on the strip you use.

    I'm not 100% sure but I think the frame-grabber part is if your running on a RaspberryPi's and not on a pc.

    Sorry not much help there, I know =/

  • Thanks for the response!

    I should clarify, I copied the code from the page I found it on. On the actual arduino I have changed the baud and LED count, I just missed doing it in the code I posted. Sorry for the confusion.

    Regarding the frame grabber, any idea how I make it work on a regular Debian desktop? Seems weird that it wouldn't work on a regular Linux PC.

  • The frame grabber is tailored made exclusively for the Rpi's (and Hummingboard's I think) video subsystem. No (or easy) way of making it work =/

    If your goal is to have Hyperion work with Kodi on that PC? Then simply follow [WIKI]Installation-on-all-systems[/WIKI].

    The Wiki is pretty comprehensive, I least I found them to be.

    Hope it's of help.

  • The guide you linked to explains how to connect hypercon via ssh and install hyperion. The thing is, I've already installed hyperion as per instructions in the wiki, and I know how to start/stop the service. I have looked a lot in the wiki but can't find any solution to my grabber issue. Is the grabber not needed if I run it on a regular x86 PC? I have kodi installed on my PC, so yes that is my goal.

    Do you suggest I turn off the grabber in the settings of hypercon to make it work? My question then is, what am I supposed to use to grab the kodi video stream?

    Just to be clear. I have Debian 9 (stretch) on my x86 PC. I have hyperion installed on this same PC, I installed it manually. I have hypercon downloaded and I have generated the config file with it and manually placed it in the proper directory. I want hyperion to grab the video stream from the same PC it is running on but I get the mentioned error in my log.

  • This is what I read in the wiki regarding the grabber:


    This grabber kicks in, when you want to grab the picture on the same device that hyperion is installed on.
    Examples are Kodi in LibreELEC/OpenELEC/OSMC.

    What grabber am I supposed to use if this grabber does not work on other platforms than the PI?

    EDIT: So I realized something, could the failed grabber be affecting the proto server that receives data from the kodi addon? I'm going to try disabling the grabber and see if the proto server receives proper data from kodi later when I get home.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von arebokert ()

  • Okay so by pure luck I came across this
    If I compile hyperion from source with X11 enabled everything should work correctly. I will try when I get home from work.

    I find it very sub optimal to not have X11 support documented anywhere but the compilation instructions. There should be a wiki article regarding other systems than raspberry pi. Maybe I'll write one up myself if compiling with X11 works.

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