Web-Devs needed!!!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hey Hyperion-Fans,

    we are looking for a Web-Developer to improve our Web-UI in Hyperion.NG.

    Our requirements:

    • HTML
    • JavaScript/JQuery
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS

    Your Job:

    • Web-UI improvement/optimizing
    • adding new Features from our Core Team to the Web-UI

    So the basic skills, if you are interested and want to join our team, please write here in this Thread a short "about you".
    Thank you!!

  • Hello!

    I am a junior software engineer, as well as digital artist, from Wisconsin, USA. I have associate's degrees in software engineering, web development, and graphic design. I am currently pursuing my bachelors in computer science.

    I currently work as an applications developer for mainly web based systems with html, css, jquery, and .net. Relative languages or frameworks I work in regularly are C#, C++, Three.JS, and PHP. I also regularly love arduino/raspi projects and am a 3D print enthusiast.

    I am a very recent Hyperion user and very much enjoy it. I would love to take the usability and design of the current web platform even further.

    Message me if you would like any samples of specific code, web design, ui design, or a portfolio of my artwork.

    Thank you

  • Hey there, i just got my first Hyperion setup up and running and I have been loving it!

    I'm a frontend web dev in my spare time and would love to help with this project. Let me know how i can contribute!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hey everyone who's interessted to help, hi @Billy Jacoby & @ChR-iSz !

    We have a lot do Web-UI related! But also we don't wan't to overwhelm you!
    Here is a little list to start:

    But also a very important thing: YOU ARE THE WEB-DEVS, so tell us what you don't like and would love to improve!

Jetzt mitmachen!

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