ws2815 (12V) with Raspberry Pi Zero W - Random LEDs turn on

  • Hi everyone!!

    I'm doing this project for the first time. I'm having some issues with my LED strip.

    I've bought a WS2815 (12V) with a Power Supply of 12V - 10A (S-120-12)

    I'm running hyperion alpha 9 with my Raspberry Pi Zero W.

    When the hyperion service starts all the LEDs turn on randomly, I don't know why, so I checked some post and get a few theories.

    This is my setup right now:

    The first solution I read was to connect the Raspberry Pi to the ground of the power supply, but I think this would burn the Raspberry, is that correct?

    The other point I checked is that the data cable has to lower voltage, so the LED Strip can not understand what the Raspberry is saying. So a solution is to connect a

    logic level shifter (3.3V to 12V).

    Or maybe another solution could be to combine both and connect the GND of the power supply to the GND of the Raspberry Pi and also connect the logic level shifter. What do you guys think?

    Why I'm getting random LEDs turn on?

    Also, a little detail. When I do use RGB recognition tool of the Hyperion I notice all LEDs bright up, but the colour don't match (every LED has random colour and change constantly)

    I would be really grateful if some of you could help.

    Thank you everyone for your time!

    • Official Post

    The first solution I read was to connect the Raspberry Pi to the ground of the power supply, but I think this would burn the Raspberry, is that correct?

    Putting your Pi on ground makes no sense. Your LEDs must be connected to the power supply Ground and the Pi Ground.

    The other point I checked is that the data cable has to lower voltage, so the LED Strip can not understand what the Raspberry is saying. So a solution is to connect a

    logic level shifter (3.3V to 12V).


    If you want to use a Levelshifter, you only need a 3.3V -> 5V and no 12V. The data signal is based on 5V

    It is best to check the cabling again. Possibly a solder joint has come loose or your cables are too close to another source of interference (power cable etc.).

    Photos of your setup would also be good. The pictures you have linked do not work.

  • Thank you for your answer.

    Photos of your setup would also be good

    Here are some photos of my setup:


    Raspberry Pi Zero W. Green wire is connected to the GPIO 18 and the LED Strip.

    Yellow wire is connected to the GPIO 10 and is not connected to any other element.


    This is the power supply. From left to right: Red wire is connected to the LED Strip 12V. Brown wire is connected to GND in the LED Strip. Yellow/Green wire is connected to the GND of the Power Supply. Brown and Blue wires are connected to the home electricity.


    Here the connection setup for the power supply, Raspberry Pi and LED Strip.

    I know isn't a professional work, but it all should be connected good. As you said, maybe the Raspberry Pi is too close to the power

    Edited once, last by godoy32 ().

  • where's the pictures?

    it seems like the wiring in NOT okay, you can't use GPIO18 and GPIO10 simultainiously on the same ledstrip.

    also you can't connect mains Earth to GND from your powersupply!

    then you connected BI also, that needs to be connected to GND.

    minus / V- / GND / 0 volts is all the same for polarity negative

    if i was you i disconnected everything and started all over again.

  • where's the pictures?

    Sorry about that. I re-uploaded the pictures. Now it should be ok.

    it seems like the wiring in NOT okay, you can't use GPIO18 and GPIO10 simultainiously on the same ledstrip.

    Oh no no. I'm not using GPIO18 and GPIO10 simultaneously. Originally I used GPIO18, but then I tried with GPIO10, now I'm only using GPIO18.

    then you connected BI also, that needs to be connected to GND.

    minus / V- / GND / 0 volts is all the same for polarity negative

    I didn't get this part. Can you explain it? Please

    if i was you i disconnected everything and started all over again.

    I'll disconnect everything and start all again. I'll make a post updating the status.

    Thank you all for your time :)

  • I know isn't a professional work, but it all should be connected good. As you said, maybe the Raspberry Pi is too close to the power

    no it isn't, you have 2 wires there both orange.

    1 orange ( DI ) goes to your GPIO18

    2nd orange wire ( BI ) connect it to GND / V- of your PSU

    second, you didn't connect GND from the Raspi to the V- of your PSU.

    you have to do this because Raspi has diffrent PSU, you need to merge GND and V- together

    I didn't get this part. Can you explain it? Please

    its just a frase, all those are the same/ means the same > ground/GND

    connect like this please and use more then one GND PIN on the Raspi

    goodluck! if there's something then ask.

    If you want to use a Levelshifter, you only need a 3.3V -> 5V and no 12V. The data signal is based on 5V

    Paulchen is right>> i forgot to mention that you have to connect the levelshifter in correct manner.

    VCC on ledstrip is 12volts, but on level shifter its 3.3 and 5 volts ONLY

    if you want to have diagram schematics just ask. :)

    Edited 5 times, last by Ambientheater77: Merged a post created by Lighting-guy77 into this post. ().

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