I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on a few problems I ran into (and mostly worked around) when I upgraded to 2.0.15 (from 2.0.8). After many many hours of research I was able to come up with workarounds to all my issues. I saw others are having these issues as well, such as when you correctly use SPI with ws2812 or sk6812, you will get solid white pixels. I'm hoping you guys can fix these issues, but I'm also hoping by pasting these here, it might help others not get discouraged or frustrated (I was close to giving up, but I had it working on an older version.) I'll with the biggest issue I resolved.
1. Using SPI with WS2812 or sk6812 turns whole strip white (every 30 seconds, you might see the behaves work correctly for a second or two, before going back to white. No errors in log. I discovered that there seems to be a problem with the baud rate setting. WS2812 typically wants a baud rate of 3000000 and SK6812 always worked well on 5900000, but on 2.0.15m the strips turn white. If you use 5900000 as the baud rate for the ws2812 on spi, it will work properly. If I use 3000000 for the sk6812, then they work properly. That is the reverse of what it should be for some reason.
2. WS281x via SPI won't work unless the Hyperion service is changed to run as root. An error will be logged to the log file that tells you that the service isn't running as root and therefore won't work, but I think when you save your LED source, it should warn you there as well. The only reason I found out was there was a discussion in a message forum where someone mentioned that the service isn't being ran as root and so the ws281x PWM driver won't work unless you change it.
3. WS281x PWM will not work properly unless smoothing is turned off. If smoothing isn't turned off, then the led strip will go white. When you turn it off, it will function properly but look like crap (obviously since smoothing is off). What is interesting here though, is that my ws2812b strips works fine with a baud rate of 3000000 for PWM but it ALSO works (with smoothing off) if I use an sk6812 with the ws281x driver but leave the baud rate at 3000000, the strip still works even though you need a baud rate of 5900000. This is another thing I found out in one of the message forums and confirmed.
4. When I reboot 2.0.15, I noticed that periodically ALL it's settings are reset when I go into the interface (even authetication is back to off and it says a password should be set). I don't see any errors, nor have I noticed any definite correlation, but it definitely happened multiple times.
I think those are all my observations, I hope it helps someone.