PC Screen Grabber Stops Working

  • Hello there!

    I recently discovered Hyperion and decided to give it a go. I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, which runs the Hyperion Server, and I have installed the Screen Grabber on my PC in order to control the LEDs I have put behind my monitor. In the Pi I have created a crontab which automatically starts the Hyperion Server on startup. My PC is connected to the internet via Ethernet Cable. The Pi uses the 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi network. I have an external adapter which I use in order to connect the PC to the same Wi-Fi network as the Pi. Everything works perfect until something happens.

    The issue is that at some point the grabber decides to stop working until I reenable the capture by using "Stop Capture" and "Start Capture". Would appreciate any suggestions on how to check what is causing it or how to fix it.

  • I have the same problem with the Raspberry Zero WH. It only works when I deactivate and activate it.

    Do you already have a solution?

  • The Hyperion server on the Pi is working so I assume the power supply is okay. The Screen Grabber itsself(which is installed on the PC) transfers the data to the Pi via Wi-Fi so no USBs are involved. Still don't have a solution for this. Could be some network issue, I suppose.

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