Hdmi grabber?

  • Hello @Paulchen-Panther. I was a bit busy this week, but I finally came and checked changes.
    First of I tried to make screenshot again using hyperion-v4l2 and had no luck. Even when I specified pixel format mjpeg (which now is valid) I got small black rectangle.

    Then I tried hyperion. Changes I noticed:

    • Now I'm able to change capturing device without getting errors.
    • Also video standard option was changed, Earlier it worked only in auto mode, now it works in any mode (testedall) without any difference.
    • After hyperion startup leds isn't working until I will "restart" led device from web-gui.

    Also there are links to docs, that are closed from guest and hasn't registration. I tried to understand what is "led layout" and I had to do it myself.

    Finally I have question most likely not related to your branch. I tried to calibrate colors and did it with one remark. Yellow color is too red, but only on two edges. And I don't know if I calibrated it wrong or not. Can led strip connection affects colors, but doesn't affect whole led brightness? If it's not connections issue, then I should do calibration for only two sides?


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von d00mw01f ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    First of I tried to make screenshot again using hyperion-v4l2 and had no luck.

    Try to execute the command several times in succession. My HDMI Capture Card brings only a useful picture after repeated executions.

    Can led strip connection affects colors, but doesn't affect whole led brightness?

    How many power supply points do you have on your led stips?

    If it's not connections issue, then I should do calibration for only two sides?

    I think that's possible.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Also video standard option was changed, Earlier it worked only in auto mode, now it works in any mode (testedall) without any difference.

    Your external device does not support the video standard option (in MJPEG mode). That's why you do not notice any change. Will try to hide this option if the device does not support it

    After hyperion startup leds isn't working until I will "restart" led device from web-gui.

    Can you please post your config?

  • Try to execute the command several times in succession. My HDMI Capture Card brings only a useful picture after repeated executions.

    Tried a lot of times, same result. May be it's because I'm not using hdmi capture card as this thread states, but simple composite video grabber with only mjpeg supported?

    How many power supply points do you have on your led stips?

    1 :) But when I tested red/green/blue/white colors all is fine. Can power issue produce not-solid color when white color is ok? I mean all pixels look powered well and I can imagine problem with data signal, but why with power?

    Can you please post your config?

    Attached file.

  • Hi,

    I´m using a grabber with mjpg as single pixelformat option. I know that it wont work with the original hyperion installation.
    Searching about this issue i found this thread.
    My question to @Paulchen-Panther or someone else knowing about: Is the MJPG FPixelformat already available in the hyperion.ng master branch or still in a extra Branch by Paulchen-Panther? If so in which one?

    Thx for help

  • Thx!

    I´ve got a new RPI 4 this week, so I take the chance an will re-build my actual system which is running on a RPI 2.
    I will install hyperion.ng on rasparian/debian buster and will to use the VBG500 Grabber (which only provides mjpg for pixelformat, but is usefull because it replaces HDMI-Splitter, PAL-Converter, Grabber from the PI 2 System to one single box).
    This will take some days - but i will report the result here.

  • First try worked :)
    Have even a live picture in the Web-Interface.

    Only Problem: i get a repeating Error when starting:
    root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# hyperiond
    [hyperiond DISPMANXGRABBER] <ERROR> Snapshot failed: -1
    [hyperiond DISPMANXGRABBER] <ERROR> Previous line repeats 200 times

    Any hints about this?

    But the grabber seems to have a new driver in buster - its now YUVV instead of MJPG?
    So the i´ve not tested the MJPG issue...

    Video input : 0 (Camera 1: ok)
    Format Video Capture:
    Width/Height : 1920/1080
    Pixel Format : 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
    Field : None
    Bytes per Line : 3840
    Size Image : 4147200
    Colorspace : sRGB
    Transfer Function : Default (maps to sRGB)
    YCbCr/HSV Encoding: Default (maps to ITU-R 601)
    Quantization : Default (maps to Limited Range)
    Flags :
    Crop Capability Video Capture:
    Bounds : Left 0, Top 0, Width 1920, Height 1080

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Maybe @Paulchen-Panther can say something to that error.

    I already had the topic on Github. I have no RPi 4 to narrow down the error. If I find something new I'll let you know.

    @Paulchen-Panther implemented it but AFAIK no one did reply with real valid test results.

    That is not completely right. I bought a HDMI USB 3.0 grabber and tested it. Here are some pictures and screenshots:

  • Should not be a problem.
    Will do this task as soon as the new system is stable.
    Hope at the weekend.

    Can you help me with another issue?
    Where does the webinterface (gui a port 8090) save its config?
    Seems that I loose the config each i reboot :(

  • Can you help me with another issue?
    Where does the webinterface (gui a port 8090) save its config?
    Seems that I loose the config each i reboot :(

    The config is saved in ~/.hyperion/db/hyperion.db
    It is a SQLite database.
    As I see your first attempt in post #49 was started with root. Did you now started the new service with your user "pi"? So then you have created one config in /home/root/.hyperion/db and one in /home/pi/.hyperion/db

    Seems to be the same "issue" like here:

  • Tested now hyperion.ng with raspi 3 using stretch where the grabber uses MPJG: Works out of the box :)
    Just some issues with the grabber itself because there is no USB 3.0 available - but I´d say: MJPG proof of concept: positive

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