LEDs reacting with delay

  • I have a lightberry 4K kit for RPi2 and have noticed that the LEDs have a little (but unaceptable) delay when reacting on sudden changes in brightness when using the external framegrabber. I have tried both the USB and GPIO version with same result.
    When using KODI (or rasplex) direct the delay is much smaller and acceptable but I want to use Plex on ATV4 so this in no option.
    I guess it could maybe be a hardware thing with the grabber delaying the signal a bit while grabbing???

    Does anyone experience the same issue and maybe even have an idea what to do?

  • I thought so but maybe some adjustements in grabber settings in Hypercon or another/better grabber type or... could help.
    I have tried with or without smoothing without any noticeable effect.

  • Lower the "frameDecimation" setting from 2 to 1.
    "grabber-v4l2" :
    "device" : "/dev/video0",
    "input" : 0,
    "standard" : "PAL",
    "width" : 720,
    "height" : 576,
    "frameDecimation" : 1,
    "sizeDecimation" : 4,
    "priority" : 900,
    "mode" : "2D",
    "cropLeft" : 15,
    "cropRight" : 15,
    "cropTop" : 5,
    "cropBottom" : 5,
    "redSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
    "greenSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
    "blueSignalThreshold" : 0.0

  • Hi Tociek
    I have tried to set size decimation as high as 20 but without any real effect on the delay. I have also tried to set resoultion to 240x192, also without any effect.

  • Yes no difference on Pi3. It is a very small delay but very visible when watching real time. I have some video but not able to upload it here.

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    can you test the reactions on this video

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    could be possible that the blackborder detecion is the porblem, cause the whole picture starts in black

  • I have now tried disabling Black border detection without any difference in delay.
    Should I still see ambilight at the top and bottom with this disabled?? I thought not but it still does show.

    • Official Post

    no bottom and top should be off....but can you record the movie part a little bit longer..cause i think its only if you start the movie from black->color...

    at the end there is the man on the left and this looks without a delay?!

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  • Too bad that I am not into image processing. Enabling some processing on my tv will instantly delay the shown image with what is needed... and more! ;)

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