Hyperion Server On Windows 10 With Ubuntu Bash (WSL)

  • i managed to get the hyperion service + multipliple instances of it, running on WSL :D
    i just had to get better linux knowledge first lol
    the errors in the installation was about the autostart (init is autostart stuff i think ??)
    i still couldnt find a beginner friendly solution / skript for the autostart...
    i always have to start the bash and have to enter the commands manually to start...

    i dont have a usb grabber yet -.-..
    i will get one on the first..
    i hope it works on wsl, this would be awesome!
    i got kodi setup really nice on windows, would be a shame to switch to linux just because of the ambilight :D

    i know there are windows programms like hyperion also but from what i heard hyperion is the best :D

  • What do you want to be capturing ?

    1) Kodi on Windows ? Try the kodi addon
    2) All windows apps ? Try the direct X grabber
    3) An external signal like a blue ray player or cable tv box ? This isn’t so simple. Right now you can’t use a USB grabber with Hyperion on WSL. If you can use a USB grabber and have kodi play that video then options 1 or 2 above might work.

    Note; I’ve not tried any capture stuff with windows - I’ve just tested the LED and effect side with WSL

  • i want to get the ambilight from a extern hdmi signal ( basically one signal my receiver has two hdmi out)

    i looked at the windows grabber software... im not exactly sure it says monitor and adapter?
    what is meant exactly with adapter? a usb grabber or a gpu?

    i could let the usb grabber display the input video signal fullscreen to a "second monitor"...
    if the second method can grab the the whole second screen i could use this signal to run hyperion ..
    it maybe be possible this way.

  • when i try hyperion-ng on wsl:

    [hyperiond LedDevice] <ERROR> The requested device operation is not supported or prohibited by the running operating system. Device disabled.

    I have the same ERROR :/ I installed Hyperion-ng on the Ubuntu WSL but it won't work with my serial connected Arduino.
    With CU the connection works properly and i get the correct Output "ADA"

    I have "straced" the following output:

    Maybe this will help to find the bug...

    Greetings Timo

  • I have the same ERROR :/ I installed Hyperion-ng on the Ubuntu WSL but it won't work with my serial connected Arduino.
    With CU the connection works properly and i get the correct Output "ADA"

    I have "straced" the following output:
    Maybe this will help to find the bug...

    Greetings Timo

    I compiled and installed hyperion again, so i cant try but you could, can you

    sudo passwd root
    and then try again hyperiond? I have read somewere that only root worked with his device. Please report back so i can also give a try

  • I compiled and installed hyperion again, so i cant try but you could, can you

    sudo passwd root
    and then try again hyperiond? I have read somewere that only root worked with his device. Please report back so i can also give a try

    Hey, i have tried it as you suggested. But this doesn't work either.

    it seems that TIOCSTI is not supported in the actual Windows build... https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/1863

    So does the old hyperion software work for you in WSL with serial Hardware?

  • Hey, i have tried it as you suggested. But this doesn't work either.

    it seems that TIOCSTI is not supported in the actual Windows build... https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/1863

    So does the old hyperion software work for you in WSL with serial Hardware?

    Yes the old hyperion does work, but not grabbing screen as the i mentioned here :
    . Onyl colour effects and static colours works

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