Problem controlling WLED with Hyperion

  • I recently wanted to create bias lighting for my TV and a short time later found out about Hyperion.
    I got all the parts I would need for the project and got to it.

    My setup is like this:
    - Raspberry Pi B+ running the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS Lite, it connects to the network via Wifi (this has been setup with only Hyperion and nothing else extra has been installed at all)
    - HDMI capture device with HDMI throughput to the TV and USB output connected directly to the Raspberry Pi (I plugged it into my laptop to confirm it is capturing video and passing it to the USB)
    - NodeMCU ESP8266 running WLED
    - 5V 30A DC power supply unit
    - WS2812b LEDs

    What I did was this:
    - Installed Raspberry Pi OS onto an SD card, installed in Pi, configured, installed Hyperion
    - Installed WLED on my NodeMCU and connected it to wifi and to the LEDs (also connected to Home Assistant)
    - Connected HDMI capture device to Raspberry Pi
    - Configured Hyperion selecting wled as the LED hardware and gave it the static IP of my NodeMCU running wled

    At this point I expected things to work, but, they didn't.
    There is some limited connectivity and interaction, let me explain;
    - When I first configure Hyperion, if I visit the WLED web interface I see an overlay saying it is getting commands from an IP (the IP of my Pi) (This only happens at first configuration and only for a short time, the LEDs do not do anything to show they are getting any commands from Hyperion, they simply stay as they are) (I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Hyperion and have also tried on 3 different Raspberry Pis)
    - If I disable the instance in the Hyperion web interface, the LEDs turn off, if I enable the instance the LEDs turn on.

    And that is it, that's all the control I have.

    I am hoping someone experienced with this obviously great piece of software could help me figure out what's going wrong or what I'm doing wrong, I am super keen to get sweet lighting around my TV, then settle down to watch (Either Avengers or Dragonball Z, I haven't decided yet, opinions/suggestions welcome, haha).

  • Hallo, bei laufen die Weiterleitung und auch nicht richtig. Mein Problem ist, das zB der Effekt oder die Farbe von Hyperion 5 sek. laufen, dann die LEDs aber wieder aus gehen. In wled wird behandelt, dass Daten von Hyperion empfangen werden. Dies klappt wie gesagt kurz, kurze Dunkelheit! Ich habe auch alle Anschlussvariationen durch, sprich LEDs und wemos 5v Out, LEDs und wemos und gehörtnten Netzteilen usw .. getestet mit zwei wemos, einmal mit 54 apa102 und einmal mit 3 LEDs von einem Rest w2812 (oder so).

    Habe auch zum Testen Alpha 6 auf einem rpi2 und Alpha 7 auf einem rpi Zero. Mit Alpha 6 läuft oben gesehen ab, mit Alpha 7 tut sich gar nichts, weder mit udpraw noch mit wled. Ich warte jetzt Mal ab ...

    Ich warte jetzt Mal ab, ob noch war gekommen, ich kenne mich da zu wenig a

    Entschuldigung für Text, macht irgendwie automatisch...

  • Dragonball Z > rest

    Could you provide some more infos? Config, logs etc...

    Appreciate the vote for DBZ, I was leaning that way, I think that has sealed it.

    I would be very happy to provide any information that would be helpful, however, I would also appreciate a point in the right direction of what I can provide and where I can get that info.
    This system is new to me and I haven't yet discovered all of it.

  • can you start hyperion from the console with "hyperion -d"

    @Backebe crosspostings und dann noch in ner anderen sprache, genau mein ding... bringt uns alle weiter

    I'm still relatively new to console so I'm sure I missed an obvious step here, but this is what I did and the result I got:

    pi@tv-pi:~ $ hyperion -d

    -bash: hyperion: command not found

  • you are n the right way, but it was my fault, i forget a letter, it is "hyperiond -d"

    Got it, this was the output:

    pi@tv-pi:~ $ hyperiond -d

    2020-07-26T16:03:06.102 hyperiond MAIN : <ERROR> The Hyperion Daemon is already running, abort start

    Did you want me to kill the service in some way and then start it with this command?

  • It appears to very quickly switch between active and inactive.
    Not sure if that is an expected behaviour or not, it loiks like this:

    2020-07-26T16:43:50.871 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now active

    2020-07-26T16:43:52.225 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now inactive

    2020-07-26T16:43:52.294 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now active

    2020-07-26T16:43:53.250 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now inactive

    2020-07-26T16:43:53.700 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now active

    2020-07-26T16:43:55.857 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now inactive

    2020-07-26T16:43:56.509 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now active

    2020-07-26T16:43:57.568 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now inactive

    2020-07-26T16:43:58.357 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now active

    2020-07-26T16:43:59.317 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now inactive

    2020-07-26T16:44:01.571 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now active

    2020-07-26T16:44:02.628 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now inactive

    2020-07-26T16:44:03.388 hyperiond HYPERION : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 240 is now active

  • @TPmodding

    I'm sorry I posted in the wrong language. I did not notice this due to my automatic translation on my cell phone.

    I dont know exactly how "Crossposting" is defined, I just wanted to point out that I have similar problems. If I have violated forum rules, please forgive me for this, I am not very familiar with the common forum rules.

    From your posting, however, I can see that other users have no problems with the forwarding to wled.

    And just for info, this was written about google translators due to a lack of knowledge of english.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    @Meph88 Maybe you disable your Grabber (or Platform Capture) for the time being, just to see, if the active/inactive log lines go away.
    Then we can have a look at the other log lines to ring-fence the problem.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    @Meph88 If I got your initial post correctly, it seems that the WLED device works correctly.
    The WLED is turned off and on and streaming of data seems to happen.
    -> Either the input to the device is wrong (which the grabber problem might indicate) or the WLED is not configured correctly.
    I suggest disabling the grabber, but run an effect.
    Given a bug in Alpha7, I currently do not recommend testing with a static color until the bug is fixed.

  • @Meph88 If I got your initial post correctly, it seems that the WLED device works correctly.
    The WLED is turned off and on and streaming of data seems to happen.
    -> Either the input to the device is wrong (which the grabber problem might indicate) or the WLED is not configured correctly.
    I suggest disabling the grabber, but run an effect.
    Given a bug in Alpha7, I currently do not recommend testing with a static color until the bug is fixed.

    Thanks for your response.
    I was already running it with platform capture disabled and with that configuration the active/inactive thing was happening.

    I have tried running an effect as an "effect test" but nothing happened.
    I have downloaded the phone app to control the colour and it has not worked.
    I had considered that perhaps the video input isn't working, I have tried with platform capture and there is no response of the LEDs, with HDMI capture, there is no response, I know the capture device is working, perhaps Hyperion needs to be configured to use that specific capture device? But I don't know how to do that.
    I am using the exact same HDMI capture device that Drzzs used in his setup video and he did not appear to need to configure that at all.

  • to be sure, you are using alpha7 right? could you recheck if alpha6 works...

    Yes, I am using alpha7.
    That was the latest version when I started this project.
    I will try installing alpha6 and report back how that goes.

  • to be sure, you are using alpha7 right? could you recheck if alpha6 works...

    I installed alpha6, used UDPRAW, and it is working.

    There is a little lag, I've been playing with some settings to reduce the lag, it is running on an older pi, a model 2, would upgrading my hardware to a more powerful Raspberry Pi help reduce lag at all?

  • you can lower the grabbed frame size and resolution, and play a little bit with the smoothing options

    Awesome, I commend you on an awesome piece of software and amazing support.
    I really wanted to say thanks so i have made a small donation to you.
    I look forward to many hours of enhanced TV watching and gaming.
    Just gotta solder my LEDs and attach them to the TV......

    I will try updating when a newer release comes out and see how it goes, for now I'll stick with alpha6.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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