RasPi ZeroW
16GB SD-Card With HyperBian
SK6812 RGBW (60 LED's/meter)
1K Ohm Resistor
30A 5V PSU
Cheap HDMI Splitter
Cheap HDMI to USB capture card
Ton of cables, solder and 3D printed brackets.
Ordered everything from AliExpress. Ran a RasPiZero1.3 at first and got frustrated with all the hubs and cables. Also, I payed 15$ x2 for two Pi Zero. Found that out the hard way.
Anyway, I could not get Hyperion NG to work with the latest Raspberry OS, so I switched to Hyperbian and now it boots and Hyperion:8090 works fine.
For whatever reason it will not power on my lights. No demo mode, no nothing.
I've tried using internal capture and USB capture, but neither produce data/power to the LED's.
For that reason I have a SP501 to test if the lights work, and they do, just not with the Pi.
I've also added a small strip just to see if the power-draw was too much, still no power.
Full frame has 60 LED's Top and Bottom and 35 Left and Right.
Small strip has just 29 LED's.
All soldering is great and I've tested the SPI with MOSI/MISO, and they do transfer data, just not data or power to the LED's.
I have ordered a different USB capture card as I don't get a picture when hitting "Live View", but the card does show up in the list of devices and is selectable, but as one was dead, and the other is only giving me HDMI passthrough I might have to order a slightly more expensive one if the UTV007 HDMI to USB does not work as well.
Can someone tell me if I messed up somewhere? Why isn't the lights powering on with Hyperion?