LED's not powering on, Everything looks right.

  • Parts:
    RasPi ZeroW
    16GB SD-Card With HyperBian
    SK6812 RGBW (60 LED's/meter)
    1K Ohm Resistor
    30A 5V PSU
    Cheap HDMI Splitter
    Cheap HDMI to USB capture card
    Ton of cables, solder and 3D printed brackets.

    Ordered everything from AliExpress. Ran a RasPiZero1.3 at first and got frustrated with all the hubs and cables. Also, I payed 15$ x2 for two Pi Zero. Found that out the hard way.
    Anyway, I could not get Hyperion NG to work with the latest Raspberry OS, so I switched to Hyperbian and now it boots and Hyperion:8090 works fine.

    For whatever reason it will not power on my lights. No demo mode, no nothing.
    I've tried using internal capture and USB capture, but neither produce data/power to the LED's.
    For that reason I have a SP501 to test if the lights work, and they do, just not with the Pi.
    I've also added a small strip just to see if the power-draw was too much, still no power.
    Full frame has 60 LED's Top and Bottom and 35 Left and Right.
    Small strip has just 29 LED's.

    All soldering is great and I've tested the SPI with MOSI/MISO, and they do transfer data, just not data or power to the LED's.
    I have ordered a different USB capture card as I don't get a picture when hitting "Live View", but the card does show up in the list of devices and is selectable, but as one was dead, and the other is only giving me HDMI passthrough I might have to order a slightly more expensive one if the UTV007 HDMI to USB does not work as well.

    Can someone tell me if I messed up somewhere? Why isn't the lights powering on with Hyperion?

  • I should probably add that I have gone through most, if not all threads that contain my problem without finding a solution. I will try different distributions of RasPi and Hyperion if that can solve the problem, but intil now Hyperbian has been the only one I could get Hyperian working on.

    • Official Post

    As the LEDs to not light up, are there any errors in the Log output?
    You can access the log via System->Log.
    Might be also good, if you put the log in Debug and share the output.

  • From clean boot:

  • No. All I did was run Hyperion. Add the lights and and then done. It, does not give boot lights, it does not give idle «demo mode» lights. No input on capture card (shows up as Microsillin chip, but still lists dev/video0 & dev/video1; nether give picture) and static image from internal capture, but still no lights.

  • Just as an update, I've just tried the change from this thread: Issue#10662
    No problems with SPI as stated earlier, but I'm trying to see if changing the "type" to the bottom of segment.
    So far it's still dark. Not even white as the guy in 10662 had.

  • can you provide logs with the right type of device please...

    Please specify what logs you are looking for.
    I have tried with some different config files for ws2812spi and I tried to see if I could learn anything from Hypercon’s config file, but no luck.

    Log files that I have sendt should contain something about why, but reading through them, they do not.

    I am going to try with a different OS on a spare SD-card to see if I can get it to work with that, but again, same problem occurs on all 3 PiZero I bought for this. 2x PiZero 1.3 and 1x PiZW.

    But for whatever reason it seems like data is just dead... if there was a way to manually edit what GPIO pin data gets sent through, maybe I could get it to work, but as far as I can see that was an option in a previous build, but no longer.

    • Official Post

    Please specify what logs you are looking for.

    are you serious?? hmmm...which logs should i ask for?

    I have tried with some different config files for ws2812spi and I tried to see if I could learn anything from Hypercon’s config file, but no luck.

    you can try what you want, but hypercon is for hyperion(classic) and has absolut nothing to do with hyperion.ng, there are tooooo many changes

    Log files that I have sendt should contain something about why, but reading through them, they do not.

    2020-10-24T17:42:40.494Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (INFO) Start LedDevice 'file'.
    2020-10-24T17:42:40.501Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:147:init()) deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"rgb","currentLedCount":26,"hardwareLedCount":1,"latchTime":0,"output":"/dev/null","rewriteTime":0,"type":"file"}]
    2020-10-24T17:42:40.513Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:403:setLatchTime()) LatchTime updated to 0ms
    2020-10-24T17:42:40.508Z [hyperiond COMPONENTREG] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState()) Smoothing: enabled
    2020-10-24T17:42:40.516Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:429:setRewriteTime()) RewriteTime updated to 0ms
    2020-10-24T17:42:40.535Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDeviceFile.cpp:51:open()) QIODevice::WriteOnly, /dev/null

    learn to read the whole config....you set your led device as "file" which writes only the led data into a file, but you output it to "dev/null".... so what you expect? everything works fine...

    I am going to try with a different OS on a spare SD-card to see if I can get it to work with that, but again, same problem occurs on all 3 PiZero I bought for this. 2x PiZero 1.3 and 1x PiZW.

    you can try what you want, if you do not setup your shit right, nothing will happen...

    But for whatever reason it seems like data is just dead...

    stupidity+cluelessness thats the reason buddy...

    if there was a way to manually edit what GPIO pin data gets sent through, maybe I could get it to work, but as far as I can see that was an option in a previous build, but no longer.

    SPI device is SPI device, raspberry pi has only ONE SPI, so you can setup what you want, you only can use SPI...that you mean is ws2812 which works with PWM, where you can select another gpio WHICH is PWM compatible.....

    we try to help in our spare time, dont charge anything, try to support everyone here...and than such people like you fuck up everything....if you now everything better than the hyperion team, why you asking buddy?

    enough for today, go help your self

  • Just post the complete WebUI log.

    I did:

    From clean boot:

    I can ask then, Anyone that has SK6812 RGBW LED's working on the latest Hyperion? if so, send me your config and we can see if that boots the lights.

  • are you serious?? hmmm...which logs should i ask for?

    You do understand that I posted all the logs I could give, so unless you specify another different log file I can not give you what you didn't ask for.

    you can try what you want, but hypercon is for hyperion(classic) and has absolut nothing to do with hyperion.ng, there are tooooo many changes

    I hope you realize that I said I looked at it to learn, as I am fully aware that it is deprecated. I'm trying to do as much of a crash-course in this as I can.

    learn to read the whole config....you set your led device as "file" which writes only the led data into a file, but you output it to "dev/null".... so what you expect? everything works fine...

    you can try what you want, if you do not setup your shit right, nothing will happen...

    I hope you realise that this file only comes from a clean Hyperbian file. All I have done to it is add SSH, add wps_suppicant.conf, change LED's from "debug file" to SK6812spi and set the 190, then connect the things.
    If there is a "null" file that is somewhere it should not be it is not on me as I can't edit that, and there is no way for me to know that that would be a problem. God knows how many random "null" files that get used to avoid memory leaks, how can you expect me to know that before learning it? I'm asking for help, by giving as much of info before having to do this back and forth, not wanting to make myself feel like crap. That I can get form the ex.

    How can you say I fuck up everything?? I follow all the tutorials, there is no way I could have fucked up.
    Everything hardware is as it should be, and from what I have understood there is problems with software, I have read through the forum for the past 2 weeks trying to troubleshoot before asking any questions and when I do I provide as much info as I can so it will be easier for the people that can help to understand and help from there, and you tell me I'm fucking up everything?? How does that work?

    I don't know what Raspberry you are running, but I see SPI0 and SPI1, signal test responds on SPI0, but not SPI1. Editing the test signal test responds on SPI1 and not SPI0. That leads me to believe there are two SPI.
    So please, refrain from calling someone giving as much info he can, stupid and clueless, when he has never worked with this before, is trying to learn. Being called clueless because of unknown information is like laughing at children dying from starvation when you are on the food truck that's supposed to give them lifesaving food, but don't.
    Why? Please explain a little better how I hurt you so we can get past it. I'm asking for help with software as I don't fully understand all of it. I am learning as fast as I can.

  • we try to help in our spare time, dont charge anything, try to support everyone here...and than such people like you fuck up everything....if you now everything better than the hyperion team, why you asking buddy?

    enough for today, go help your self

    Yes, and for that specific reason I've read up on the forums so I don't ask stupid, already solved questions, so you as an Administrator of said forums would have to do as little as possible, so you have more time to help others that require more help than me.

    How is me pointing out I followed a tutorial, things not working, here is my config, what may be wrong?
    Then you tell me that I "fuck up everything"?? I don't understand.

  • The best thing to do is to reinstall Hyperion.
    If you only operate the sk6812 as LEDs, you don't need a second instance.


    Ah okay, so that is why it's doing that. Thank you :)
    I've been at it all day trying to follow Dr.zZz on youtube, but where I get HyperBian to boot and run Hyperion, Dr.zZz's tutorial will not lett me access "IpOfYourPI:8090".
    Will try a few more times switching between mac and windows to see what works.
    Thank you again.

  • Alright, I have finally got Hyperion running on a clean install of RaspberryOS lite.
    I followed Dr.zZz's video, but had to edit some things.
    It is now working and booting and I can access the WebGui.
    There is still no power to the lights. They never blink or anything.

    I do have another question about this line though:

    2020-10-25T20:41:00.640Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (ProviderSpi.cpp:46:init()) _spiDataInvert [0], _spiMode [0]

    Last time I tested MISO/MOSI it ran on "spiMode 4", does this matter? Or should it just work as is?
    Still don't understand why it isn't producing power/data to the LED's.

    Is there a way to produce a debug/verbose output from the Pi to add here? If that would help.


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