Adjust Camera in Hyperion - Color - Help required

  • Hi David Hequet,

    I tried yesterday again setting the exposure to manual with a fresh hyperbian install and now it is working fine.

    Here my final settings (hopefully) :D

    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=brightness=110
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=saturation=40
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=exposure_auto=1
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=exposure_absolute=90
    v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=exposure_auto_priority=1
  • how are you setups doint with dark browns? or with games like jouney?

    I made a video for you using the logitech c270 cam. It is not perfect but good enough for me. I captured the video with my phone and in my experience there is some difference between the video and what you actually see.

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  • >You have night shot of your futur cam in amazon's review .
    @David Hequet yep, the idea is that this camera/lens combo supposedly has a good IR filter which takes good non-IR pictures during the day (which is what I need); I can disable IR at night. Previously I looked at the one you suggested, but day pictures still had some pink hue so I was worried it was affected. Might be a hit and miss though, and it's not clear which settings were used etc.

    The version I got is clearly marked IR-CUT and all of the descriptions/reviews/pictures suggest it's good at daylight without IR hue. It might be the same exact camera and only difference in lens (plus, 175 deg vs 160, as I may need the extra), but we'll see (the filter is there however, since it can be heard when switching the mode). I'll try it in a bit.

    > I tried yesterday again setting the exposure to manual with a fresh hyperbian install and now it is working fine.

    @lunchow3cu is that for Picam or C270? :huh:

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von dinvlad ()

  • > I'm using the Logitech C270 Cam
    Those are some good results, for sure!

    I got my PiCam working finally, and while the overall quality of the image is good (and I haven't seen "glare" or "banding" issues mentioned by the OP), looks like it's actually NOT a 175-degree fisheye :-/

    The zoom factor appears to make it closer somewhere to 120 degrees.. This is judging by the minimal distance I have to put it away from the TV so that the entire screen is in the FoV. Either that or I misunderstood how this works. In any case, I might just try to return it and get the other one mentioned above (160-degree, if it's actually true this time).

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von dinvlad ()

  • luchow3cu I appreciate your video! those really are very interesting results, I'm regreting more and more that I bought ambivision :(, hopefully it won't last too long :D.

  • OK, finally found what I was looking for!

    Arducam Fisheye Camera Raspberry Pi - as one review says:


    Many of the "fisheye" or "wide angle" raspberry camera + lens combos you'll find for sale tend to come up short in terms of field of view. The OV5647 sensor is a 1/4" image format sensor, and often there will be 1/3" format lenses mounted on them, which means the lens is focusing on a larger area than the sensor is capturing. So if it says it has 170 degree field of view lens, often the actual image will only be 140-150 degrees.

    That is not the case here. This actually has a field of view greater than 180 degrees; the plastic behind the camera actually shows up in the shot.

    and then it shows a picture that really does have circumference in the view. Ordered this instead and returning my current one.

    EDIT: Ordered this one as well and will compare them: Dorhea Raspberry Camera Fisheye Megapixel . Besides these 2, I haven't found any other ones that are truly at/over 180deg (like Ambivision).

    So I think with one of these two, I have a decent chance of doing a 730p@49fps video and straightening it with OpenCV fisheye module in real-time on Pi3B+. Everything points to this being sufficient in power.

    EDIT2: I think this might also be part of the reason why Govee wasn't developed for 75+ inch TVs. Their camera is wide-angle but not enough for such diagonal (exactly my case here). On top of that I suspect they really suffer from IR hue because their default color is pink (unless this is somehow just marketing or poor coding).

    5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von dinvlad ()

  • luchow3cu i need to install Journey to compare my result with yours. But on TV show dark brown a pretty well rendered.

    Do you have 30 or 60 led/meters in your config? Is it a LG CX TV :p

    With the last camera settings i published i think it is very accurate (only pastel colors seems not renderer, but i had some backlight, i don't want to watch TV in a too dark room.

    dinvlad I'm curious to see your results with openCV, it was my first idea before noticing i could place the camera far from TV.

  • David Hequet thanks! I think I got it from your earlier post, but then kinda forgot and found a tutorial where folks have done this for other use cases on RPi ^^ And I'm also on CX (77") so really looking forward to see the results too!

  • 77" !!! Ok you need maxi fisheye for this :p

    i was looking for 110°/120° fisheye with my liiiittlle 55CX

    Oled + Amiblight = wahou , what led density did you choose, i recycled my "old" ambilight 30 led/meters stripes and the brightness of the oled reduced the wow effect of the ambilight.. Thinking of buying 60 led/meters stripes

  • > Oled + Amiblight = wahou , what led density did you choose, i recycled my "old"

    David Hequet definitiely 60/m (at least) ^^ Planning to get ws2815 actually, because of its unique reliability (backup signal) feature. Another perk is ordering it in a Neon rope so that it looks exactly (or better!) like Hue Gradient 8)

    Something like this https://www.superlightingled.c…roll-for-sale-p-2929.html - can even mount it the same way by adopting one of these: Bewinner Bending Acrylic Suitable Cooling .

    But all of this after making the camera work first - everything else should be smooth sailing. In the end it will look like Hue, act like Ambivision and be more responsive and like 2x cheaper - let's see if any of that holds true ^^

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von dinvlad ()

  • Hmm, while waiting on 180+ cameras I've hit another snag - the surface of the TV is quite reflective, so it shows my floor lamp next to the TV at the edge of the screen, when I put the camera too close (~6-8 in. from the center). Not sure how to deal with this one - maybe "dark screen" frame subtraction would work here?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von dinvlad ()

  • OK, got the fisheye Arducam and it's almost perfect for our needs! The FoV is a bit larger than my screen, but not overly periscope-large like the other one I received. I think this one can work for an even bigger TV! I can capture cropped video, which should bump up the framerate a little (~57 fps from a quick test).

    The only issue is the reflective surface as mentioned above, but that might be a minor nuisance. Can play around with background subtraction if needed, or leave it as-is in worst case. Or just turn off the lamp, since it should look the best in darkness anyways ^^

  • OK, got the fisheye Arducam and it's almost perfect for our needs! The FoV is a bit larger than my screen, but not overly periscope-large like the other one I received. I think this one can work for an even bigger TV! I can capture cropped video, which should bump up the framerate a little (~57 fps from a quick test).

    The only issue is the reflective surface as mentioned above, but that might be a minor nuisance. Can play around with background subtraction if needed, or leave it as-is in worst case. Or just turn off the lamp, since it should look the best in darkness anyways ^^

    I am happy so hear that. I just a china capture card for now, but might give the fisheye arducam a shot. How did you adjust the rectangular shape in the settings to the more curvy outline of the screen without manually placing each led/pixel?

  • Zitat

    How did you adjust the rectangular shape in the settings to the more curvy outline of the screen without manually placing each led/pixel?

    That is what I'm currently working on! Using OpenCV fisheye module, something similar to…v-and-python-395528a51615

    The ultimate setup will be very simple:

    1) run a one-time calibration script, which will display a ChArUco pattern on the screen, and we just move the camera around at various angles pointing at the pattern, until the algorithm is "trained" sufficiently; this script will store calibration parameters into a JSON file;

    2) run a "live capture" script pointing to the JSON, which will continuously acquire the images, de-fisheye them so they look straight, and write the result to v4l2loopback interface;

    3) use the loopback interface as a regular camera source in Hyperion

    To make it more performant, I've just cross-compiled OpenCV for Pi with CPU optimizations (NEON etc). ?That'll be sufficient. From what I read, step 2 (which is the most crucial one for performance) doesn't require much processing power, since it's just a simple table lookup (and we're using optimized library). It will likely require Pi 3B+ though.. I have both that and Zero so we'll see.

    That being said, you can probably totally wing it and just use a trapezoid (I think HyperionNG already supports that) ^^ It'll be less precise, but might be "good enough".

    EDIT2: Thinking more about it, I'll probably also make it do crop and perspective-transform (if not too CPU-heavy) so there's no need to align corners in Hyperion. Should be pretty straighforward, and can be part of the calibration script.

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von dinvlad ()

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