Hello all,
I recently got all the parts i need for the ambientlights. But somehow they dont work. I looked up a lot of turtorials, did as they told and yet no result. Let me summerize what i have and what i did.
Raspberry pi 3b+
WS2812 led strip
USB 3. hdmi capture card
and a powerfull enough powersupply
1) installed raspbian
* got the latest update ( sudo apt-get update)
* got the upgrade ( sudo adpt- get upgrade)
2) Download/instal hyberion.
* i went to the hyberion release page https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/releases
* and downloaded Hyperion-2.0.0-alpha.9-Linux-armv7l.deb
*then just installed it. Reboot
3) Gpio activating
* i ran the following 2 codes
( sudo systemctl disable --now hyperiod@pi)
( sudo systemctl enable --now hyperiond@root)
4) hyperion setting
* i went to te setting set up my ledhardware, as following:
controller type: wsx281X
Gpio number: 18 (also the one where i connected data to)
* i also set the led-layout
5) Then i went to capture hardware, Enabled usb capture
At the setting section of usb capture:
*set device to custom as (/dev/video0)
5.5) at the effects page i activated boot effect collor as red for 5 seconds.
When rebooting the pi the effect comes on stays for 5 seconds and turns either to another collor, to nothing or stays on.
When clicking on the led vizualisation tap under live vieuw, i can see my ps4 screen. Also sometimes when i reboot, and the ps is still on, the live shows snowflakes. The live comes back again after restarting the ps4.
And yet no ambienlights, it just doesnt work..
(also i have tried different kind of settings under usb capture but this is the clossest i got)
Can someone help me with this?