Lights not syncing

  • New User here... Installed Hyperion on a RPi3 about 4 months ago using DrZzzs video and my LED TV amblight was working wonderfully – I was filled with undeserved self-satisfaction and my wife thought at long last I was a genius (or smart, or less of an idiot). A few weeks ago, the LEDs would not shutdown when the TV was turned off and the effects would revert to the Background Effect showing that Hyperion was “idle”. At first I was able to turn it off manually through Home Assistant but eventually that did not work. Since this was always right before bed, the nuclear option appealed to me - I pulled the plug to the power supply – waiving the plug towards the Pi just to show dominance. Overnight, the idle effects would sometimes come back on – taunting me.

    I got mad, called it names and changed control switches. I performed the required ritual sacrifices… I then decided to reflash with the same Hyperion-9 software and start from scratch. Now, the USB image capture software seems to be doing its job, the hyperion WebUI says everything set up nicely on there, I did the systemctl --now enable/disable hyperiond (a few times) and the LEDs don't seem to be responding. Network wise- everything seems to be on the consistent ports I had previous.

    Being a newbie, Log reading is weak – at best… but it seems to show that the LEDs are disabled

    (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: mmap() failed'

    and ports are not working correctly –

    (INFO) Connecting to Hyperion:

    (INFO) Started on port 19400

    (ERROR) Failed to bind port 19445

    and a Code 19 error...

    Anyone have any ideas?

  • Lord-Grey

    Approved the thread.
  • Thanks for the response...

    Tried the systemctl enable --now hyperion @root and re-booted. Upon reboot hyperion is reporting that it is disabled in the cli.

    I can still reach it using the web browser but no LED lights...

    I found this thread that seemed to hit my problems -

    WS281x Issue in Alpha 10 version. I get brief moments where the screen capture is working but then the logs show that priority changes from 240 to 255 and screen capture stops. Moments later it goes back to 240 and the capture resumes - only to repeat itself.

    I am hitting a wall on this... code attached below, sorry for the length but it shows the constant repeating.

  • As an update, I have done the following in a futile attempt to get it to work...

    Installed from GitHub at…ob/master/ following their instructions.

    Rebooted the pi and I noticed it wasn't booting in root so I ran:

    sudo systemctl disable --now hyperiond@pi

    sudo systemctl enable --now hyperiond@root

    After that, I rebooted and enabled Image capture USB through the webUI. I'm able to get an image...sometimes just static...on the webUI. The UI also reports the LEDs are working but no physical LEDs are lit.

    I also looked at the forum post LOOP capturing devices purchased from Amazon or Ali Express >> how to set up in Hyperion.NG? problem of re-apearing all the time in remote section/drivers, Only Raspi NOT Windows pc by Ambientheater77 and followed those instructions.

    Any thoughts ?

  • Checking back in on this issue, I noticed that my thread got marked "Resolved". I am still experiencing the problem and wondering if anyone has thoughts/ideas on how to solve the problem described above. Thank you Lord-Grey for your response earlier this month - I implemented both of your comments to no avail.

  • I noticed that the issue had again been marked "Resolved" - unfortunately it is not. Perhaps this is due to a lack of activity on this thread. Is there another way to keep it active until resolved?

    But the main question is that I have been unable to get it to work - am I missing something or is my question poorly worded? I am at a loss to get Hyperion running again.

  • Ambientheater77 - Thanks for your response...

    I have done the 2) sudo commands without results. I am attaching a copy of the latest debug log as I have been trying everything that I can think of - and probably making more of a mess...

    My thinking is that it is a port conflict as noted at the bottom of the file where it says "Failed to bind.." What ports should I be using?

  • port 19445 PROTO is not something you have to use if your using capturing device on USB, PROTO is for receiving images over networkprotocol.

    so for instance if you are using a second pc with screencapture program activated then Hyperion.NG Raspi can be used to transmit the image to, port 19445 receives then you see the same on your live feed video screen.

    About your problem: I see that you installed Hyperion 10 > how did you installed this?

    for a good installation on SD card its really important NOT to format in beginning to FAT or NTFS >> this is because these formats are Windows formats and not for linux.

    so what i would do: wipe the whole stuff ( empty volume) and install the Hyperbian again.

    you can use Windisk 32 imager for this, write the image on the empty NOT formatted SD card.

    after this put it in the PI and boot it.

    did you use Hyperbian or used a diffrent distro?

    note: sometimes a installation can become corrupt on a SD card, it has to do with quality of SD card used and if the PI is turned off with a switch while running> sometimes ( after a while) it can become a problem and SD card gets corrupt, then you get all kind of weird problems.

    best thing to do then is rewrite and before you do that save your Hyperion settings with pictures or the Json file.

    Also what's possible: corruption is due to the SD card that is double formatted, it means that you used the standard FAT(16) format AND on top of that writing the linux/debian format. These can not work well together on top of each other.

  • Thanks Ambientheater77 for your response.

    You're right on the SD card corruption.. didn't think of that when I was installing on top of the old. I was using balena etcher but this time did a clean install on a new SD card. I used a rasbian VM and installed Hyperbian using the rasbian imager.

    Upon powering it up and logging into the CLI, I noticed no lights came on but hyperion showed it was running. I did the systemctl enable/disable cmd and rebooted. No lights and now Hyperion's status was "stopped". I tried to look at the status of all the individual services to attempt to start it manually (my own knowledge only takes me to example: "sudo service httpd start/stop") but I figured google would help fill in the did not. The services show up as "masked" and unable to be manually started.

    I also have a low voltage alert on the pi UI. This is despite my power supply being 5V 10W (recommended by multiple videos as being sufficient for a 273 light strip). I tested power to my lights and they don't seem to be receptive so I am replacing both power supply and light strip in an effort to eliminate the obvious.

    Question: you mentioned if the PI is turned off with a switch while running it could cause corruption... how do you recommend me rebooting it? I've always power cycled by unplugging.

    In the following post is my most recent log. Hopefully you can find something in there that I might have missed. Any ideas would be much appreciated :)

  • the thing is this, in the debug you can see Hyperbian is running and services too.

    Automatically runs when power up the pi, also startup effect is running. >> mmap failed, you are using ws281x Ledcontroller PWM >> that needs root privileges to run. [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: mmap() failed'

    Hyperion has to run under root for this.

    ad a line in config.txt dtparam=audio=off

    in terminal:

    pi@HyperBian:~ $ sudo systemctl disable --now hyperion(d)@pi

    pi@HyperBian:~ $ sudo systemctl enable --now hyperion(d)@root

    (d) try the code with and without the d, no hooks used

    and turn off smoothing, disable because see also a fault in that line

    or in terminal

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/hyperiond@.service

    Remove the User sessionline User=pi and save with CTRL+O and exit CTRL+x.

    Don't forget to reboot

  • Thanks Ambientheater77

    Your suggestions above got (what I thought) was very close!

    Everything seemed to be working as it should except for the lights themselves. I decided while I'm eliminating possibilities, I might as well replace the lights and the power supply. So I had been waiting patiently on shipping for the past week.

    I reconfigured the lights, gave everything power and the lights booted to their rainbow effect. Before the Hyperbian CLI can begin it's startup process and prompt login, it starts physically glitching in a loop... I unplugged GPIO18 to access HyperionUI so I could paste the logs here.

    (Current Log attached in the next post)

    Attached is the most recent log.

    021-09-18T03:42:50.273Z [hyperiond V4L2] (ERROR) Throws error nr: VIDIOC_DQBUF error code 19, No such device

    2021-09-18T03:42:50.273Z [hyperiond V4L2] (ERROR) VIDIOC_STREAMOFF error code 19, No such device

  • 2021-09-18T03:42:50.273Z [hyperiond V4L2] (ERROR) Throws error nr: VIDIOC_DQBUF error code 19, No such device

    2021-09-18T03:42:50.273Z [hyperiond V4L2] (ERROR) VIDIOC_STREAMOFF error code 19, No such device

    2021-09-18T03:42:50.277Z [hyperiond V4L2] (INFO) Stopped

    V4L2 driver stopped, you have a problem with the grabber

    PWM output is now okay, no faults in ws281x ledcontroller anymore.

    stick the grabber in the USB port AFTER Hyperion has booted into WebUI menu, and activate/save

  • Appreciate your quick response Ambientheater77!!

    So the GPIO 18 pin seems to be the one sending it into a glitch with that "VIDIOC_STREAMOFF error code 19, No such device" Error

    I tried to take screenshots of the different states.

    1. Booting up to WebUI no grabber enabled and no GPIO18 plugged in. (HyperionLog_B4 GPIO18_USB.txt)

    2. Plugging in USB --> activating /saving grabber settings (HyperionLog_USB_only.txt)

    3. Plugging in GPIO18 (HyperionLog_BOTH_GPIO18_USB.txt) --> Lights come on with rainbow effect. As soon as the lights come on, the WebUI becomes unavailable.

    HyperionLog_B4 GPIO18_USB.txt



  • UPDATE: Ambientheater77

    I decided while I was replacing all the hardware, might as well replace the PI too. Just came in the mail so we plugged it in and no glitches on boot (yay)!

    However despite doing what you recommended for this issue, I still seem to have an issue with the grabber... logs are attached.

    stick the grabber in the USB port AFTER Hyperion has booted into WebUI menu, and activate/save

    The grabber seems to want to pull from my computer desktop as opposed to the pi/TV. I've switched priorities around and ports to try and make sure everything's on the same channel but no luck. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Hyperion Log_10_5_21.txt

  • Paulchen-Panther - Thanks for responding so quickly...

    I am running the current version - confirmed from the Hyperion UI.

    Your version: 2.0.0-alpha.10

    Attached is the log file posted earlier this week (no changes)

    Your help/thoughts are appreciated!


    The grabber seems to want to pull from my computer desktop as opposed to the pi/TV. I've switched priorities around and ports to try and make sure everything's on the same channel but no luck. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Hyperion Log_10_5_21.txt

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