USB Capture is not recognized after upgrade to 2.0.12

  • Hi,

    I just upgraded to 2.0.12 and my USB Capture card stopped being recognized.

    I'm using the 4K capture card that almost every guide is recommending:

    my settings are:

    And this is how it looks in my web gui

    Edited once, last by yaelRashlin: Merged a post created by yaelRashlin into this post. ().

  • Hyperion checks whether there is a corresponding device in the system, with usb-devices you can check in terminal yourself whether a device is listed. v4l2-ctl --all then shows the properties of the device.

    regards pclin

    Dreambox ONE / TWO

    dreamOS OE2.6

    Amlogic S922X - 53.000 DMIPS - 2 GB RAM - 16 GB Flash - Twin-DVB-S2X Tuner - HDR10 - HLG
    AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD - Amp: Pentagon - Lautsprecher ELAC / ARENDAL
    LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap, hyperion.NG webOS)

    FireTV 4K max

    hyperion (classic) & Plugin HyperionControl | hyperion-ng 2.0.16-beta.1 (dreamOS)
    Hyperion-ng (Debian bullseye)
    6 x ESP32/Wemos D1 mini - WLED - SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LEDs/m
    FeinTech VSP01201 - Grabber Macrosilicon

    LG TV Hyperion webOS & PicCap

    Ambilight for ever

  • Rather than start a new thread I am in the same boat. I upgraded to hyper hdr and added a 4k capture card. Sometimes it shows up and then disappears. I can control the gpio port and turn on/off the lights but can not get anything going. Even the old capture card can be hit and miss. Can anyone help. I am still a novice :) I have also found a funny little hack if I turn the capture card of and on in remote control, it will work for 10 to 20 seconds before disappearing.

    Not sure how to delete this, but I managed to get it going again, using the old usb capture card. Ill send the 4k one back to Amazon. Wondering if the issue was it did not have an external power source.

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