Can't get leds to come on
- wesleymc21
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
I had the same problem, what i think worked for me was to pull the suplly.
First connet to pc/pi/arduino. Then put back electrisity (maybe it will work for u aswell)
wesleymc21 If the LED switch does not stay on, I suggest you lock in the Hyperion Log ("System->Log")
and see what the error reported is....
Most likely its is
LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: mmap() failed'
Then you need to run Hyperion under root, given your setup and LED type used... -
I run Hyperion under root with
sudo systemctl enable --now hyperiond@root
but I still can't get the LEDs to turn on
and what does the log say...?
the same Hardware not supported error
LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: mmap() failed'
Sorry, your post contains bias information...
If the error is „mmap failed“ as in your posted log-line, then you need to run Hyperion under root, as I told you before.
If you get a Hardware not supported error as you write in the text, the log should be different and the reason is different too.
Here the WS281x library requires an update.
This has been been already fixed in Hyperion’s master. Following options for you:
1. wait for the next release (no ETA)
2. build Hyperion yourself
3. use a development build artifact e.g. from PR1164
-> It is always beneficial to share more concrete details that the community can help efficiently.
oh yeah,s orry. I have my led strip connected to the GPIO18 and if I use a pyhton code it works, but with Hyperion I have the Hardware not supported error
2021-05-08T15:55:33.830Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Hardware revision is not supported'
How could I build Hyperion myself or use a development build artifact? (I'm newbie so i''m a bit lost)
hello again
I've did "sudo systemctl enable --now hyperiond@root"
[hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Hardware revision is not supported'
wesleymc21 No sure what you are looking for...?
Just look two posts before yours in THIS tread and you find the answer....
I don't know if I did something wrong or what but it still doesn't work for me. After compiling, what should I do?
And I tried using the development artifact 1164 but it says it doesn't exist so i can't use it
u need to adjust toe compile script, after the step of git clone u need to pause the script:
what i did is:
Codegit clone --recursive --depth 1 -q ${GIT_REPO_URL} ${CODE_PATH} || { echo "---> Failed to download Hyperion source code! Abort"; exit 1; } fi read -n 1 -r -s -p $'Press enter to continue...\n' #that line to pause the script #Remove previous build area, if no incremental build
then edit file in separate session
Code{ .hwver = 0xc03114, .type = RPI_HWVER_TYPE_PI4, .periph_base = PERIPH_BASE_RPI4, .videocore_base = VIDEOCORE_BASE_RPI2, .desc = "Pi 4 Model B - 4GB v1.4" },
if that is the RP4 u use. then after editing press any key for the compile script to continue
and it iwll work
sorry but here what did you substituted with?
I'm also experiencing the same problem with revision a03115. I tried updating the dependencies but I either couldn't figure it out or it didn't work.
Here's my log:
Display MoreHyperion System Summary Report (My Hyperion Config), Reported instance: unknown < ----- System information -------------------- > Hyperion Server: - Build: master (GitHub-f83d840/160c5d0-1645559939) - Build time: Feb 23 2022 01:22:11 - Git Remote: - Version: 2.0.13-beta.1+nightly20220223160c5d0 - UI Lang: en (BrowserLang: en-US) - UI Access: expert - Avail Screen Cap.: dispmanx,framebuffer,qt - Avail Video Cap.: v4l2 - Avail Services: boblight,cec,effectengine,forwarder,flatbuffer,protobuffer,borderdetection - Config path: /root/.hyperion - Database: read/write Hyperion Server OS: - Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) - Architecture: arm64 - CPU Type: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 - CPU Revision: a03115 - CPU Hardware: BCM2835 - Kernel: linux (5.10.92-v8+ (WS: 64)) - Root/Admin: true - Qt Version: 5.15.2 - Python Version: 3.9.2 - Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.109 Safari/537.36 < ----- Configured Instances ------------------ > 0: First LED Hardware instance Running: true < ----- This instance's priorities ------------ > priorities_autoselect: true < ----- This instance components' status -------> ALL - true SMOOTHING - true BLACKBORDER - true FORWARDER - false BOBLIGHTSERVER - false GRABBER - false V4L - false LEDDEVICE - false < ----- This instance's configuration --------- > {"backgroundEffect":{"color":[255,138,0],"effect":"Warm mood blobs","enable":false,"type":"effect"},"blackborderdetector":{"blurRemoveCnt":1,"borderFrameCnt":50,"enable":true,"maxInconsistentCnt":10,"mode":"default","threshold":5,"unknownFrameCnt":600},"boblightServer":{"enable":false,"port":19333,"priority":128},"color":{"channelAdjustment":[{"backlightColored":false,"backlightThreshold":0,"blue":[0,0,255],"brightness":100,"brightnessCompensation":100,"cyan":[0,255,255],"gammaBlue":2.2,"gammaGreen":2.2,"gammaRed":2.2,"green":[0,255,0],"id":"default","leds":"*","magenta":[255,0,255],"red":[255,0,0],"white":[255,255,255],"yellow":[255,255,0]}],"imageToLedMappingType":"multicolor_mean"},"device":{"colorOrder":"rgb","dma":10,"gpio":18,"hardwareLedCount":20,"invert":false,"latchTime":0,"leds":256,"pwmchannel":0,"rewriteTime":1000,"rgbw":false,"type":"ws281x","whiteAlgorithm":"subtract_minimum"},"effects":{"disable":[""],"paths":["$ROOT/custom-effects"]},"flatbufServer":{"enable":true,"port":19400,"timeout":5},"foregroundEffect":{"color":[0,0,255],"duration_ms":3000,"effect":"Rainbow swirl fast","enable":true,"type":"effect"},"forwarder":{"enable":false,"flat":[]},"framegrabber":{"cropBottom":0,"cropLeft":0,"cropRight":0,"cropTop":0,"device":"auto","enable":false,"fps":10,"height":45,"input":0,"pixelDecimation":8,"width":80},"general":{"configVersion":"2.0.13-beta.1+nightly20220223160c5d0","name":"My Hyperion Config","previousVersion":"2.0.12","showOptHelp":true,"watchedVersionBranch":"Stable"},"grabberV4L2":{"blueSignalThreshold":0,"cecDetection":false,"cropBottom":0,"cropLeft":0,"cropRight":0,"cropTop":0,"device":"none","enable":false,"encoding":"NO_CHANGE","flip":"NO_CHANGE","fps":15,"fpsSoftwareDecimation":0,"greenSignalThreshold":100,"hardware_brightness":0,"hardware_contrast":0,"hardware_hue":0,"hardware_saturation":0,"height":0,"input":0,"noSignalCounterThreshold":200,"redSignalThreshold":0,"sDHOffsetMax":0.46,"sDHOffsetMin":0.4,"sDVOffsetMax":0.9,"sDVOffsetMin":0.1,"signalDetection":false,"sizeDecimation":8,"width":0},"instCapture":{"systemEnable":false,"systemGrabberDevice":"NONE","systemPriority":250,"v4lEnable":false,"v4lGrabberDevice":"NONE","v4lPriority":240},"jsonServer":{"port":19444},"ledConfig":{"classic":{"bottom":0,"edgegap":0,"glength":0,"gpos":0,"hdepth":8,"left":0,"overlap":0,"pblh":0,"pblv":100,"pbrh":100,"pbrv":100,"position":0,"ptlh":0,"ptlv":0,"ptrh":100,"ptrv":0,"reverse":false,"right":0,"top":1,"vdepth":5},"ledBlacklist":[],"matrix":{"cabling":"snake","ledshoriz":1,"ledsvert":1,"start":"top-left"}},"leds":[{"hmax":1,"hmin":0,"vmax":0.08,"vmin":0}],"logger":{"level":"debug"},"network":{"apiAuth":true,"internetAccessAPI":false,"ipWhitelist":[],"localAdminAuth":true,"localApiAuth":false,"restirctedInternetAccessAPI":false},"protoServer":{"enable":true,"port":19445,"timeout":5},"smoothing":{"decay":1,"dithering":false,"enable":true,"interpolationRate":25,"outputRate":25,"time_ms":200,"type":"linear","updateDelay":0,"updateFrequency":25},"webConfig":{"crtPath":"","document_root":"","keyPassPhrase":"","keyPath":"","port":8090,"sslPort":8092}} < ----- Current Log --------------------------- > 2022-03-02T00:38:12.976Z [DAEMON] (INFO) CEC handler created 2022-03-02T00:38:12.982Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 40 effects loaded from directory :/effects/ 2022-03-02T00:38:12.985Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 22 effect schemas loaded from directory :/effects/schema/ 2022-03-02T00:38:12.989Z [EFFECTFILES] (INFO) 0 effects loaded from directory /root/.hyperion/custom-effects/ 2022-03-02T00:38:12.998Z [SETTINGSMGR] (INFO) Instance [0]: Migrate from version [2.0.0-alpha.9] to version [2.0.12] or later 2022-03-02T00:38:13.000Z [SETTINGSMGR] (DEBUG) (SettingsManager.cpp:186:SettingsManager()) Settings database initialized 2022-03-02T00:38:13.002Z [BLACKBORDER] (DEBUG) (BlackBorderProcessor.cpp:72:handleSettingsUpdate()) Set mode to: default 2022-03-02T00:38:13.002Z [COMPONENTREG] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:82:setNewComponentState()) Blackborder detector: enabled 2022-03-02T00:38:13.017Z [DAEMON] (INFO) DISPMANX frame grabber created 2022-03-02T00:38:13.018Z [DAEMON] (DEBUG) (hyperiond.cpp:628:handleSettingsUpdate()) V4L2 grabber created 2022-03-02T00:38:13.018Z [JSONSERVER] (DEBUG) (JsonServer.cpp:28:JsonServer()) Created instance 2022-03-02T00:38:13.019Z [JSONSERVER] (INFO) Started on port 19444 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (INFO) Start LedDevice 'ws281x'. 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [COMPONENTREG] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:82:setNewComponentState()) Smoothing: enabled 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:148:init()) deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"rgb","currentLedCount":20,"dma":10,"gpio":18,"hardwareLedCount":20,"invert":false,"latchTime":0,"leds":256,"pwmchannel":0,"rewriteTime":1000,"rgbw":false,"type":"ws281x","whiteAlgorithm":"subtract_minimum"}] 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [SMOOTHING] (DEBUG) (LinearColorSmoothing.cpp:685:selectConfig()) cfg [0]: Type: linear - Time: 200 ms, outputRate 25.000000 Hz, interpolationRate: 25.000000 Hz, timer: 40 ms, Dithering: 0, Decay: 1.000000 -> HalfTime: 100.000000 ms 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:414:setLatchTime()) LatchTime updated to 0ms 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:439:setRewriteTime()) Refresh interval = 1000ms 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDevice.cpp:445:setRewriteTime()) RewriteTime updated to 1000ms 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDeviceWS281x.cpp:65:init()) ws281x strip type : 1050624 2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Hardware revision is not supported' 2022-03-02T00:38:13.024Z [SMOOTHING] (DEBUG) (LinearColorSmoothing.cpp:685:selectConfig()) Previous line repeats 1 times 2022-03-02T00:38:13.024Z [EFFECTENGINE] (INFO) Run effect "Rainbow swirl fast" on channel 1 2022-03-02T00:38:13.024Z [EFFECTENGINE] (DEBUG) (EffectEngine.cpp:184:runEffectScript()) Start the effect: name [Rainbow swirl fast], smoothCfg [2] 2022-03-02T00:38:13.024Z [MUXER] (DEBUG) (PriorityMuxer.cpp:177:registerInput()) Register new input 'System/EFFECT' (Rainbow swirl fast) with priority 1 as inactive 2022-03-02T00:38:13.025Z [HYPERION] (INFO) Initial foreground effect 'Rainbow swirl fast' started 2022-03-02T00:38:13.026Z [BOBLIGHT] (DEBUG) (BoblightServer.cpp:31:BoblightServer()) Instance created
you'll see it has the line "2022-03-02T00:38:13.023Z [LEDDEVICE] (ERROR) Device disabled, device 'ws281x' signals error: 'Failed to open. Error message: Hardware revision is not supported'"
Here is the info from my pi using cat /proc/cpuinfo
CodeHardware : BCM2835 Revision : a03115 Serial : 10000000c35ef311 Model : Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5
Any and all help is greatly appreciated
Any more suggestions here? I've also followed the steps here with no success. My understanding of github is pretty limited, but I wanted to create a new branch with the necessary dependencies but I couldn't figure out how to do that.
Frustrating because I want to run emulationstation and hyperion and the pi B+ I have can't handle both. That's why I got the new pi and now it's just a headache. Also just to make sure, I tried installing hyperion on top of raspian lite as well as on top of retropie. Same errors regardless.
You can give it a try installing the nightly build version.
There is a newer version of the external ws281x Library included.
dang, still the same error
I know this is fairly old, but please read the documentation. I ran into this issue, and on the current stable version (2.0.15) it states that you must run
sudo updateHyperionUser -u root
if you want to use ws281x library. I have tried numerous other outcomes and loading many different OS's while adding in Hyperion, have tried Hyperbian, and so much more. This one command should take care of it.
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